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Research and Innovation

Food Allergy Treatment Landscape

Developing multiple options for treating food allergy is essential, because no two patients or allergies are the same. The good news is that a pipeline of food allergy treatments, fueled by clinical research, technology and investment, has been created. Immunotherapies and drug treatments are being researched and developed that will usher in a new era in food allergy treatment.


The first wave of innovation will build on the potential for immunotherapies that use novel methods to deliver food allergens, either by mouth or through the skin. Food allergen immunotherapies expose a patient to increasing doses of their problem food protein(s) to desensitize the immune system, that is, train the immune system to be less reactive and tolerate larger doses of allergen.


Biologic drugs, which can be used alone or in combination with food allergen immunotherapy, block key steps in allergy pathways to limit or prevent reaction symptoms. Many biologic drugs approved for other uses are being studied to treat food allergy, including omalizumab, which received FDA approval for use in food allergy treatment in 2024. Learn about this accelerating segment of treatments.

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FARE's Commitment to Research and New Treatment Options

FARE is fully committed to advancing food allergy treatment options and providing patients with the quality healthcare and freedom they deserve. Our organization has invested more than $100 million in food allergy research since its founding and supported 50 clinical trials enrolling more than 4,000 patients. FARE’s commitment to research and advocacy has helped spur a 1,200 percent increase in clinical trials for new therapies, a 400 percent increase in the number of patients enrolled in clinical trials and a $47 million increase in food allergy research spending by the National Institutes of Health.

We must explore every opportunity in the quest to provide more and better treatment options on the road to a cure for food allergies. Collaboration, cooperation, investment and innovation are the keys to success. FARE is dedicated to creating a safer and healthier world for the 32 million Americans with food allergies, where they can one day be forever free from this debilitating condition.

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