Update to FDA Guidance for Food Allergen Labeling - Learn More

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Living with Food Allergies


One in thirteen children has food allergies—that’s about two in every U.S. classroom. Everyone from the school nurse to the cafeteria staff plays a role in creating a safe environment for students with food allergies. Share these valuable resources with your school team to help them understand the importance of food allergy management.

50% Increase in Food Allergies in Children

Food allergies among children increased by 50 percent between 1997 and 2011, according to a 2013 study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

1 in 13 Children Has Food Allergies

Today, 1 in 13 children has food allergies, and nearly 40 percent of these children have already experienced a severe allergic reaction. Many of these reactions happen at school.

25% Experienced Severe Reactions

According to data included in CDC’s guidelines, approximately 25 percent of severe reactions experienced at school are among children having no previous diagnosis of food allergy.

CDC National School Food Allergy Guidelines

Ensure your school’s policies are in line with federal and state laws that protect children who live with food allergies.


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Kids Lunch Table

Back-to-School Resource Hub

A collection of helpful resources for caregivers, students and teachers, preparing you for this year's back-to-school experience.

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Back to School
Teacher in Classroom

Free Online Training

Take these free online training courses to prepare your school staff and administrators to effectively manage students with food allergies and respond to food allergy emergencies.

Food Allergies in the Classroom

Resources to help teachers and other educators create and maintain a safe and healthy classroom environment.

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Girl with paint on hands

Be a PAL®

The Be a PAL® program helps children and teens learn how to Protect A Life by being a good friend to kids with food allergies. Parents, school staff, educators, scout troop leaders, youth group leaders, and coaches can use these resources to present the program to students in grades K-12.

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Group of Kids

More for Educators

Written Plan

Section 504 and Written Management Plans

A 504 Plan outlines how a school will address the individual needs of your child. Learn how to develop one with your school team.

Field Trip

Field Trips

Field trips are a highlight of the school year, but they can pose challenges for families managing food allergies.

Emergency signal

Shelter-in-Place School Emergency

Helpful tips to ensure the safety of all food-allergic children during the event of an emergency lock-down situation.

Classroom Poster

School Posters & Infographics

FARE has developed a number of free downloadable posters and infographics to educate and raise awareness about food allergies.

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