FARE Training
FARE provides access to training and resources that help make the world a safer and more inclusive place for those managing food allergies.
Introducing the FARE Food Allergy Academy
FARE’s new learning management system delivering online courses, interactive trainings and educational content. Food Allergy Academy offers live and on-demand educational content for the food allergy community and also the professional teams that support them, like healthcare providers, registered dietitians and educators. This new platform helps FARE provide access to training and resources that make the world a safer and more inclusive place for those living with food allergies.
Once you register, you can search for available courses and training to find what might be right for you.
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Featured Training Courses

Recognizing & Responding to Anaphylaxis
Get prepared to handle anaphylaxis by taking this free course.

Keeping Students Safe and Included
Take this free course to prepare your school to effectively manage students with food allergies.

Pediatric Food Allergy: Nutrition and Care for IgE and Non-IgE-Mediated Food Allergies
This exclusive course will prepare dietitians to provide up-to-date and evidence-based care and medical nutrition therapy to pediatric food allergy patients, as well provide a FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy and 61.75 CPEs from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Learn more about submitting your food allergy training for FARECheck Certification.

Current Trends in Food Allergies and the Critical Role of Health Care Professionals
This on-demand module will cover the basics of food allergy and discuss how registered dietitian nutritionists can support patients with food allergies. It is available exclusively to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) members and is approved for one hour of continuing education credit.

Food Allergy Fundamentals
This comprehensive curriculum aims to reduce disparities in healthcare access by providing a roadmap for the optimal care of patients with food allergies.

FARECheck Instructor Training (FIT)
FIT is designed for food service individuals working in educational settings from pre-K through college. Those who successfully complete FIT will become FARE-recognized instructors and eligible to deliver FARE developed training to their food service staff.