Promising Future Therapies
These possible future treatments are currently being studied in preclinical trials that use animal models. Human studies will be needed to discover whether these approaches have any therapeutic potential in individuals with food allergies.
Probiotics and Bacterial Products
Bacteria from the guts of healthy infants have been identified that protect milk-sensitized mice from severe reaction symptoms when exposed to cow’s milk. These bacteria and the molecules they produce are being investigated to prevent food allergy reactions or diminish reaction symptoms.
Intranasal Vaccines
Research initially funded by FARE is developing nasal spray vaccines that deliver food allergens in an emulsion of very fine oil-water droplets. Initial results in mice are encouraging.
Virus-Like Particle Vaccines
Another peanut allergy vaccine being studied combines peanut proteins with virus-like particles, which are molecules that closely resemble viruses but are not infectious. Allergy Therapeutics has tested virus-like particle vaccines against peanut allergy in mice.
Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy (OMIT)
Oral mucosal immunotherapy (OMIT) is a food allergen immunotherapy in which allergen is delivered to tolerance-promoting immune cells in the lining of the mouth in the form of a specialized toothpaste. Not swallowing the toothpaste limits systemic exposure to the allergen, and integrating immunotherapy into a daily hygiene activity is intended to improve long-term treatment adherence. Intrommune Therapeutics is developing an OMIT product to treat peanut allergy.