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Teen Advisory Group

FARE's Teen Advisory Group (TAG) is our voice for the teen and young adult food allergy community.

Teens taking a group selfie

FARE’s Teen Advisory Group (TAG) is our voice for the teen and young adult food allergy community. They write articles for the FARE Blog and other publications, serve as mentors, offer support for other teens who are seeking guidance, and help lead our youth programs.

Now accepting applications for the 2025 TAG team

About TAG

TAG members are between the ages of 11 and 22, and are individuals who want to make a difference for people managing food allergies.

Some issues TAG members help to address include handling social situations, dining out, facing challenges unique to teens, and educating the community about what it means to be a teen with food allergies.

TAG members work on youth projects, create content for our website, and serve as leaders at FARE's national events. Teen advisors can be found around the United States.

TAG Work

skin test

Emerging Allergy Treatments (EAT)

Emerging Allergy Treatments (EAT) is an online newspaper that informs its readers about the latest treatments and developments in the food allergy world. Founder and Editor-in-Chief Jackson Mayer, allergic to peanuts, cashews, and pistachios, had the vision of keeping all those afflicted by food allergies caught up with all the newest treatments. Jackson hopes the EAT website will equip the food allergy community with knowledge that can offer hope and keep those with food allergies as safe as possible.

It's a Beautiful Life Authors

It's a Beautiful Life

"It's a Beautiful Life" is a book full of individual experiences living with food allergies. It offers encouragement for those managing food allergies, and for those without food allergies, it demonstrates how to show care and empathy.


Allergy Advocate Toolbox

This handy toolbox will help students with food allergies advocate for themselves at school.

Cooking with Food Allergies Logo

Cooking with Food Allergies

Being a teen with food allergies can sometimes mean feeling left out of meals, but it doesn't have to.

Taste Test Panel REport

Teen Taste Panel Report

To make it easier for teens to find sweets that look good, taste good and are free from the top 8 allergens, a team of TAG members researched and reviewed food allergy-friendly sweets from seven brands, and produced a report with their findings and recommendations.

Claire Zegger Photo

The Allergy Avocat

The Allergy Avocat aims to spread food allergy awareness and allergy-friendly recipes.

Anisah Daniel

TAG Tackles Food Insecurity

In partnership with the Food Equality Initiative (FEI), FARE's Teen Advisory Group (TAG) is working to learn more about how school districts around the country are approaching the needs of individuals with food allergies during this crisis. The data collected through this policy scan can be used to prove the need for funding and policy flexibility to ensure access to safe food for all children in situations like the present. TAG is looking for additional volunteers willing to contact their local school district(s).

TAG member Teresa

Save a Life: The Epinephrine Auto-Injector Song

Teresa wrote "Save a Life: The Epinephrine Auto-Injector Song" in order to teach people how to administer an epinephrine auto-injector, help them to remember the information long-term, and help them to remain calm when administering epinephrine to themselves or to someone else.

Allergy Friendly Choices Logo

Allergy Friendly Choices

Learn more about how TAG is working with the Houston Food Bank to ensure families facing food allergies and food insecurity have access to safe foods.


Securing Safe Food

Securing Safe Food (SSF) Corp. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit working to fight food insecurity among food-allergic individuals and to increase the accessibility of allergen-free foods

Nourish America Logo

Nourish America

Launched in 2018, Nourish America works with food banks in New Jersey and the Tri-State area to provide allergy-friendly options for families managing food allergies and food insecurity.

Airplane taking off

Airlines and Allergies

For food allergy sufferers, flying is complicated, to say the least. With few regulations and little specific information, we are left with many questions, and that's why TAG stepped up to do some research.

Tag Food Drive

Read About TAG's 2019 Work

Every year TAG members work online and in their local communities to educate, inspire and connect. Read about what TAG took on in 2019.

The Teen Advisory Group (TAG) is supported by Novartis

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