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It's a Beautiful Life

Members of FARE's Teen Advisory Group (TAG) wrote a book to offer encouragement for those managing food allergies!

Book Cover
It's a Beautiful Life Cover

We are Food Allergy Research & Education’s (FARE) Teen Advisory Group (TAG) members. We have written this book named “It’s a Beautiful Life” to offer encouragement for those managing food allergies, and for those without food allergies, it demonstrates how to show care and empathy. This book is full of our individual experiences and how we lived with food allergies. Our goal is to share our experiences with others and educate people about how we managed our food allergies. This book encourages people with allergies to stay optimistic about their allergies and empowers them to become advocates of food allergies. Our stories emphasize the importance of empathy and how to be thoughtful towards people with food allergies. We truly want to help raise awareness for allergies, make a change in the allergy community, and help out those with food allergies as much as we can.

Project Leader: Kelly Tung

Authors: Kelly Tung, Alexa Jordan, Andrea Schmidt, Elise Buellesbach, Emily McElroy, Alia O'Brien, Arjin Claire, Himal Bamzai-Wokhlu, Sophie Meade, Danielle Huli, Emily Sheridan, Jacqueline See-Tho

Group Members
Authors Kelly Tung, Alexa Jordan, Andrea Schmidt, Elise Buellesbach, Emily McElroy, Alia O'Brien, Arjin Claire, Himal Bamzai-Wokhlu, Sophie Meade, Daniel  Huli, Emily Sheridan, and Jacqueline See-Tho

Group Members: Alexa Jordan, Andrea Schmidt, Elise Buellesbach, Emily McElroy, Alia O'Brien, Arjin Claire, Himal Bamzai-Wokhlu, Sophie Meade, Danielle Huli, Emily Sheridan, Jacqueline See-Tho, Hannah Spiegeler, Cate Weiser, Gina Loiacono, Sara Hangtan, Kenzi Cook, Clare Kirchner, Indrani Maitra, Ellie Willse, Austin Tran, Anika Govil, Drew Zagorski

We would like to sincerely thank FARE for their continued support for this project. We want to recognize Kristi Grim, FARE’s Director of National Programs, for providing us constant guidance and support. We also greatly appreciate Janine Guzzone, FARE’s Assistant Director of Individual Giving, for guiding us throughout the fundraising process of our project.

Our book, "It's a Beautiful Life," is now LIVE! All revenue gained from selling this book will go to FARE. We'd like to support and fund other future FARE TAG projects, FARE research, innovation, and youth programs. Your purchase is greatly appreciated and will bring us one step closer to making the world a safe and welcome environment for people with food allergies.

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