Aftermath of an Allergic Reaction
Learn about what to do and how you are supposed to feel post allergic reaction from Teen Advisory Group (TAG) members.

When you are diagnosed with a food allergy, you are repeatedly taught what to do right as a reaction is occurring. Although that information is extremely important, many food allergy patients don’t know what to do or how they are supposed to feel after the bulk of their reaction is over. In this piece, we will be sharing what we have personally learned over the years, so you can be prepared for all aspects of an allergic reaction.

Having an allergic reaction is a scary thing, and something that is difficult to get over. For the most part, people think of an allergic reaction as a short term ordeal, however it isn’t just dealing with the few days following the reaction. This is why it is very important to understand how to deal with and cope with all stages of having an allergic reaction.