Personal Autoinjector Stories
It is extremely important for people with and without food allergies to understand how to use, and be comfortable with, auto-injectors.

By Teen Advisory Group (TAG) members Susan Tatelli, Cate Weiser and Grace Williams
Tips for getting comfortable with your auto-injector by Cate Weiser
If you are worried about taking an auto-injector, please reach out to your allergist or pediatrician. They are one of the most crucial tools in saving your life during an allergic reaction. It is essential to feel confident in your ability to take the epinephrine. It could mean the difference between life and death.
Make sure you know how to use your auto-injector!
There are several different types of auto-injectors, and it’s likely that you’re in possession of different kinds. Understanding how each one works will increase your comfort.
Practice using them!
Auto-injectors typically come with three products: two real auto-injectors and a practice one, modeled after the real auto-injectors. Additionally, remember that epinephrine expires; you can use the expired auto-injector in large fruits, like oranges or grapefruits, for additional practice. Just be careful – the needle could hurt you if it were to go into your hand.
Remember that using an auto-injector is virtually painless.
It truly does just feel like the flu shot. The anticipation is the worst part – we promise it’s worth it!
There is no reason to hesitate if you think you need a dose of epinephrine.
Take it, call 911, and take it again if you need it. Epinephrine is a chemical that is already produced by your body. Epinephrine is a very safe drug.
Ensure that your close friends and family know how to administer the auto-injector.
They can assist you if you ever need it, or give it to you themselves. You can even have them take FARE's free anaphylaxis training so they can feel better prepared.
Remember that taking your auto-injector could be the difference between you living or dying.
A 3 to 10 second shot is nothing compared to the pain of anaphylactic shock.