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FARE-Recognized Support Groups

Interested in starting a support group?

FARE-Recognized Support Groups and Support Group Leaders provide a valuable resource to the millions of families across the country managing the diagnosis of food allergy. They serve an integral role in carrying out FARE’s mission by hosting meetings, forums, and events to help families living with food allergies feel safe, included, and supported. Our Support Groups are completely volunteer-run, meaning if there is not one in your area, we are in need of community leaders like you to create one!

Check out FARE's new Support Group Planning Manual for great tips, resources and advice for anyone thinking about starting a support group.

FARE-Recognized Support Group Benefits

Leading a FARE-Recognized Support Group offers a number of special benefits. Support group leaders may take part in the following as part of community leadership:

  • Public listing in our Support Group Directory
  • Referrals from FARE National Office
  • Access to our closed Support Group Leader Facebook Group for peer-to-peer communication and resources
  • Regular updates with news and information
  • Upon request, promotion from FARE’s Education Department of local community events that your Support Group hosts
  • Opportunity to apply for annual funding for your group through FARE’s Community Outreach Award and Stipend Programs
  • Discount registration for the FARE conferences
  • Digital recognition for your group with FARE’s Support Group Web Badge (updated annually)

FARE-Recognized Support Group Criteria

To be established as a FARE-Recognized Support Group, groups must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must provide a Medical Advisor Letter of Support from a board-certified allergist who serves as your group's medical advisor. Your medical advisor must also:
    1. Sign an agreement with FARE agreeing to only support and promote research-documented testing and treatment methods for food allergies.
    2. Be licensed to practice medicine in your Support Group’s state or a neighboring state.
    3. Recommit to Medical Advisor role and attestation terms after three years.
  2. Must be in existence a minimum of six months.*
  3. Group leader must have experience managing food allergies.
  4. Must hold a meeting once every three months (in-person, via webinar, or via teleconference) or facilitate meeting objectives via an active online forum.*
  5. New groups must submit two testimonials from current members as to how the support group is beneficial to them.*

*Groups in existence for less than six months may have their Support Group application provisionally approved, with an expectation starred criteria will be met by the end of the six-month provisional period. Provisional groups will be denoted as such in their public listing.

FARE-Recognized Support Group Application Process

If you’re interested in starting a support group, please send us an email stating your interest and we will provide tips for getting started. To become a FARE-Recognized Support Group, we will ask that you complete the following two forms and meet the criteria listed above.

If you have any additional questions about starting a support group in your area please email

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