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Webinars & Training January 20, 2016

WEBINAR: Adult Onset Food Allergy

Our presenter will discuss her personal experience in being diagnosed with adult onset food allergy, and talk through some of the reasons it can be easy to miss less serious symptoms as a busy adult.

Speaker: Gwen Smith

Adapting to a food allergy diagnosis as an adult is challenging - from learning to read labels, to explaining to friends who say "but you used to eat that," to dining out and relationships. Our presenter will discuss her personal experience in being diagnosed with adult onset food allergy, and talk through some of the reasons it can be easy to miss less serious symptoms as a busy adult. She'll also talk about prevalence of adult onset allergies and report on some findings from the research field that affect those affected.


Gwen Smith is the editor and co-owner of Allergic Living, the acclaimed national magazine serving families living with food and environmental allergies, as well as celiac disease. This popular publication celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2015. Under Smith’s supervision, Allergic Living has become known for its insightful articles on parenting, school, coping and socializing issues with food allergies. Smith and her team also follow breaking research news closely, and Allergicliving.com has become a go-to resource for the latest allergy news.

As an individual who lives with multiple food allergies and has experienced anaphylaxis, Smith’s interest in the area is personal as well as professional. Prior to Allergic Living, Smith worked as an editor for a major women’s magazine and she has a newspaper background. She brings a journalist’s eye for personal stories and investigative reporting to allergy topics.

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