Travel Tips
From how to dine out safely to overcoming language barriers abroad, here are some helpful food allergy travel tips to have your best summer yet!

Top Travel Tips for Allergy-Friendly Adventures

Pack a Travel Kit
Bring a travel kit with all your medications, including extra epinephrine auto-injectors. Do this no matter how far from home you plan to be.

Research Restaurants
If you know in advance where you’ll be dining, research the restaurant menus, just as you would for a local eating establishment.

Notify Key People
When making special requests, give as much lead time as you can to trip organizers and airline, hotel and restaurant staff.

Talk to Your Doctor
Let your doctor know you’re traveling. Ask if he or she will be available to call, email or fax in a prescription for additional auto-injectors, should you need them.

Educate Friends
If you’re traveling with other people, make sure someone knows how to administer an epinephrine auto-injector

Prepare Chef Cards
Traveling abroad? Carry chef cards in English and in the language of the country where you'll be.

Inform Those Around You
Communication is key! Tell those around you about your food allergies so they can properly accommodate your well-being.

Pack Snacks
Bring several on-the-go snacks that are safe for you while traveling to your destination

Learn Important Phrases
Learn how to say "I am allergic to _____" in the language of the country you're visiting.

Don't Forget Your Emergency Care Plan
Bring extra copies of your Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan.