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Become familiar with this simple and age-appropriate message that children can understand and sing along with!

Preschool music

Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are experiencing a period of tremendous growth and development. From a 12-month-old baby saying his first words to a five-year-old girl learning how to hop, skip and jump, it’s a time of curiosity, wonder, and hands-on exploration.

When food allergies are diagnosed during these years, it’s important that parents and providers become positive food allergy role models, teaching children through their words and actions.

“STOP. LOOK. ASK. GO.” is a simple, honest and age-appropriate message (sung to the tune of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes") that children can understand.  

We want children to:

STOP before they eat.
LOOK at the food.
ASK an adult if it’s OK.
GO if the adult says so.

Adults can also STOP. LOOK. ASK. GO.
Download the STOP. LOOK. ASK. GO. checklist

STOP. LOOK. ASK. GO: Food Allergy Education for Early Childhood Curriculum

The free STOP. LOOK. ASK. GO: Food Allergy Education for Early Childhood professionals 3-part curriculum is now available on the Food Allergy Academy. Register for free at

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