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Participating in the FARE Clinical Network

Since its founding in 2015, the FARE Clinical Network has advanced knowledge, improved care and expanded access to clinical trials on behalf of the 33 million Americans impacted by food allergies. 

As the world’s leading food allergy advocacy organization and the largest private funder of food allergy research, Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) has created a next-generation patient care and research model that will deliver a constant flow of cutting edge research and solutions for patients and their families. 

Expanded in 2020, the FARE Clinical Network has evolved a novel and innovative structure that empowers collaboration while expediting and streamlining clinical trial development, with an emphasis on food allergy prevention and durable food allergy treatments. Research priorities include:

  • Achieving long-term desensitization to multiple allergens 
  • Developing preventative therapies 
  • Assessing and monitoring disease activity 
  • Understanding disease biology

The design of the expanded FARE Clinical Network is based on extensive research and conversations with leading food allergy stakeholders. The three type of centers within the expanded FARE Clinical Network draw on the individual strengths of each participating institution while ensuring that outstanding food allergy care is available in more communities:

  • Discovery Centers conduct novel research on treatments, diagnostics, prevention and improvements to care.
  • Clinical Research Centers investigate new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat food allergy, with expertise in leading clinical research.
  • Clinical Care Centers provide exceptional patient care and community education while generating real-world data through clinical practice.

All three types of centers provide clinical care and community leadership on behalf of patients with food allergy. Discovery Centers and Clinical Research Centers also participate in multi-center clinical trials and are helping to train the next generation of investigators in food allergy. In addition, Discovery Centers develop and collaborate on translational research initiatives that compete for outside funding. 

If you are interested in more information about the FARE Clinical Network, please click here to contact FARE

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