Bite-Sized Snacks
Need some inspiration for a quick and healthy snack? Check out these bite-sized snack videos for some fun ideas that are free from one or more of the Top 9 allergens!
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Each of these lunches can be completely customized to fit your child's back-to-school needs! If you need some inspiration or help getting started, click on the individual images below to see our ideas for a healthy and delicious allergy-friendly lunch!

Always make sure to check your labels because you never know where egg could be lurking. Thankfully, this school lunch is completely free from eggs and is both healthy and delicious!

Making a school lunch free from milk allergens and dairy in general isn't as easy as just omitting cheese and yogurt. Take a look at our back-to-school lunch that's sure to be a hit with your child!

Peanut butter and jelly is a common and simple lunch-time staple but with two children in every classroom having food allergies, it's best to skip the peanut butter and try something else! Take a look at our fun take on pizza and popcorn that's Top 9 free thanks to Safe + Fair!

The recently recognized ninth major food allergen likes to hide in many of our favorite snacks so always make sure to read your labels and double check ingredients. Our fun take on pizza is sure to wow your child and impress all of their friends!

This simple and healthy lunch might seem plain but the wide selection of veggies, fruits, and allergy friendly and organic fruit snacks is sure to put a smile on your child's face. Take a look at this colorful school lunch we put together with the help of our friends at YumEarth.

This lunch was made to be free from one of the Top 9 allergens, wheat, but it also happens to be free from any gluten or gluten-containing ingredients! Check out our fun take on a lunchtime snack free from wheat and gluten!
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