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South Shore Allergy Families Educating (SAFE)

Contact Name:
Meghan Neri & Lauren White

Scituate, MA
United States

SAFE is a support group aimed at connecting caregivers and working to increase Food Allergy and Celiac Disease awareness and education in our community.  SAFE connects individuals in person, online and with family friendly events.

No Nuts Moms Group of NYC

Contact Name:
Cari Gelber
Contact Email:

New York, NY
United States

Food Allergy Families of the Triad

Contact Name:
Angela Fuller

Triad Region of NC, NC
United States

We provide education, support, advocacy and allergen friendly activities for the Triad communities.

Penn State Children's Hospital Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Tracy B. Fausnight, M.D., Alexandra Horwitz, M.D.

South Central Pennsylvania, PA
United States

We serve the families in south central Pennsylvania. We are primarily an educational group. Our mission is to help educate families and share information about food allergies. We help families navigate the complexities of the different local school systems. We are also involved in some advocacy. A board certified allergist attends each monthly meeting and serves as a resource. We also provide two major social activities each year for the children with allergies.

Food Allergy Alliance of the MidSouth (FAAM)

Contact Name:
Kelley Barnett
Contact Email:

Memphis Metro Area, TN
United States

FAAM's mission is to provide food allergy support, education, advocacy & fellowship in Memphis, TN and surrounding areas to increase awareness and encourage individuals and families managing food allergies.

Capital District Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Cheryl Fruiterman

Capital Region - New York, NY
United States

Vancouver Allergy Awareness Network

Contact Name:
Joanne Smith
Contact Email:

Vancouver, WA
United States

Food Allergy Association of WI - Southeast chapter

Contact Name:
Susan Stillman; Tina Leverenz
Contact Email:

Southeast WI, WI
United States

Our mission is to provide a supportive environment for adults, teens and parents of children with food allergies, to raise awareness about the prevalence and severity of food allergies and the challenges of raising a child with food allergies, and to inform and educate parents, caregivers, peers, and educators about safely caring for children with food allergies.

Food Allergy Support Team

Contact Name:
S. Tharp

San Antonio, TX
United States

To provide a supportive and understanding environment to those affected by food allergy and to network together to educate others and ourselves while raising public awareness and advocating change.

FAC-BCS (Food Allergy Community of Bryan/College Station)

Contact Name:
Heidi Gratz and Michelle Johnson
Contact Email:

College Station, TX
United States

The goal of this group is to provide a nurturing, supportive environment for families dealing with and challenged by food allergies. We aim to include educational resources, community outreach initiatives, special events for our families and to raise awareness about food allergies.

No Nuts Moms Group of Northern KY

Contact Name:
Christina Ramirez
Contact Email:

Florence, KY
United States

A support group dedicated to learning, educating, supporting, and connecting with each other.

Food Allergy Focus

Contact Name:
Teresa Newlands

Medina, OH
United States

To educate and support those suffering from life threatening food allergies

NNMG Food Allergic Families of Ann Arbor

Contact Name:
Helen Look Knott
Contact Email:

Ann Arbor, MI
United States

The mission of Ann Arbor Food Allergy Support Group is to provide a supportive group environment for parents and guardians of children with food allergies, to raise awareness about the prevalence of food allergies and the challenges of raising a child with food allergies, and to inform and educate parents, caregivers, peers, and educators about safely caring for children with food allergies.

No Nuts Moms Group of South Jersey

Contact Name:
Lisa Rosenberg
Contact Email:

Southern, NJ
United States

No Nuts Moms Group of South Jersey is a FARE-recognized local support group. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and the health of individuals with food allergies. No Nuts Moms Group of South Jersey is committed to connecting and supporting local families managing complicated food allergies through educational speakers, support coffees, and community events that include and empower the whole family.

Toledo Area Allergies Group

Contact Name:
Laura Edgell
Contact Email:

Toledo , OH
United States

To provide a safe atmosphere for families to help support each other while dealing with life threatening childhood food allergies and also bring awareness to the community.

Food Allergy Moms (FAM) Lincoln Square

Contact Name:
Melissa Morris Collins

Chicago, IL
United States

To bring food allergy families together via social events for moms. Other caregivers are also welcome to participate

Corning Area Food Allergy and Intolerance Support Group

Contact Name:
Christina Layton
Contact Email:

Corning, NY
United States

To offer support, comfort and hope for a better tomorrow through knowledge, experience and friendship for those who struggle with a food allergy or intolerance. 

Food Allergy Support Group Sacramento

Contact Name:
Aria Allen

Sacramento, CA
United States

We offer emotional support and tips for dealing with the day-to-day challenges of living with food allergies.

Metro DC Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Kari Keaton
Contact Email:

Washington, DC
United States

To help families manage food allergies and other allergic conditions.

No Nuts Moms Group - Cleveland

Contact Name:
Kristen Rutter
Contact Email:

Cleveland, OH
United States

Michiana Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Support

Contact Name:
Erica Andert
Contact Email:

South Bend / Michiana Area, IN
United States

Support families living with food allergies as well as help educate our community and schools.

Kids With Food Allergies, Inc. (Online Group)

Contact Name:
L. Mitchell

Doylestown, PA
United States

We offer online support for families through our website. We also provide emotional, social, and cooking support and offer educational resources approved by our Medical Advisory Team and a searchable recipe database.

Greensboro Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
T. Jakubiak

Greensboro, NC
United States

Greensboro Food Allergy Support Group was created to help individuals who are directly affected by Food Allergies or care for an individual with Food Allergies. We have been in existence since April 2011.

NC FACES (Food Allergic Children Excelling Safely)

Contact Name:
T. Gavankar, L. Anderson
Contact Email:

Raleigh/Wake County, NC
United States

NC FACES (Food Allergic Children Excelling Safely) is a volunteer support group that provides a social and emotional support network for families dealing with food allergies in the RTP area of North Carolina. We strive to provide safe, fun environments for our children to excel as well as to educate others about food allergy dangers. 

Unionville/Chadds Ford Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
K. Dougherty
Contact Email:

Kennett Square, PA
United States

We are a local group in the Lehigh Valley offering support to those who live with or know someone who lives with food allergies. Our group meets a few times a year to discuss any advancements made in food allergy research. We discuss our personal experiences, how we educate and inform others on emergency plans from accidental exposure, and just day to day challenges and triumphs. We often have key speakers from the allergy community who share with us important information about how to keep those who are allergic safe.

The Lehigh Valley Food Allergy Support Network

Contact Name:
J. Becky
Contact Email:

Lehigh Valley, PA
United States

We are a local group in the Lehigh Valley offering support to those who live with or know someone who lives with food allergies. Our group meets monthly to discuss any advancements made in food allergy research. We discuss our personal experiences, how we educate and inform others on emergency plans from accidental exposure, and just day to day challenges and triumphs. We often have key speakers from the allergy community who share with us important information about how to keep those who are allergic safe.

No Nuts Moms Group - West Chester/King of Prussia

Contact Name:
Jody Fogel

West Chester/King of Prussia, PA
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US, one in Canada, and one in the United Kingdom. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

FEAT; Families Educating Allergy/Asthma Together

Contact Name:
Carla Berkshire
Contact Email:

Dayton Area, OH
United States

Our mission is to provide resources, discussion opportunities, and support for people and families with food allergies and asthma.

Grand Forks Food Allergy Network

Contact Name:
KariJo O'Keefe, Tara Solem
Contact Email:

Grand Forks, ND
United States

To raise awareness in the community for those individuals and families dealing with food allergies. Provide understanding, compassion, support, advocacy, and outreach.

Hudson Valley Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
N. Paoli
Contact Email:

Beacon, NY
United States

Northern Nevada Asthma and Food Allergy Parent Education Group (AAPE)

Contact Name:
Veronica Simanowski, Erin Hess

Reno/Carson/Tahoe, NV
United States

To support, raise awareness and educate families and our community who are impacted by food allergies and asthma

Cadillac Area Food Allegy Support Group

Contact Name:
Melinda Cucinella

Cadillac, MI
United States

To support adults and children living with food allergies in Northern Michigan.

Fox Valley Food Allergy Support Group


Fond du Lac & Fox Cities area, WI
United States

It is our mission to help each other deal with the obstacles we face with food allergies. We provide education, support, and ideas through discussions, email, and meetings.

Food Allergy Association of Wisconsin Inc.

Contact Name:
S. Godwin
Contact Email:

Madison, WI
United States

We have monthly speakers come and educate the group; we also train local groups about the issue of food allergies. We share tips, recipes, and advice while helping others deal with the daily issues of food allergies.

No Nuts Moms Group of Boston

Contact Name:
Erin Brazil
Contact Email:

Boston and New England, MA
United States

To serve the allergy community by providing a safe place for families to connect with other allergy families, ask questions, seek support, make comments, plan playdates and more. Our group is meant for those with all types of food allergies but has an emphasis on peanuts and tree nuts.

Food Allergic Children Education and Support (FACES)

Contact Name:
J. Collison
Contact Email:

Green Bay, WI
United States

To provide education and support to food allergic individuals and their families, guidance for teachers and administrators on safety and emotional security of food allergic children, and increase community awareness.

Food Allergy Survival Team

Contact Name:
Kenzi Brown, Tiffany Davis

Huntington, WV
United States

Multicare/Mary Bridge Food Allergy & Asthma Support to: Tacoma F.A.S.T. (Food Allergy Support Team)

Contact Name:
Dawn Crisostomo
Contact Email:

Tacoma, WA
United States

Please join us for a support group where you can meet other families managing food allergies and asthma. This is a casual setting where we can share and discuss experiences while gaining knowledge and resources. We meet once every other month with a guest speaker, i.e. doctor, nurse or other food allergy or asthma expert. Hope you can join us!

Loudoun Allergy Network

Contact Name:
T. Glancey, B. Dhawan

Loudoun, VA
United States

Loudoun Allergy Network (LAN) is a support group for families living with food allergies and anaphylaxis. LAN's mission is to support, educate and bring food allergy awareness to the Loudoun County community as well as advocate for families.

Virginia Food Allergy Advocates

Contact Name:
K. Osborne

Virginia Beach, VA
United States

Our support group focuses on awareness and advocacy issues, as well as fundraising to support food allergy research.

Houston Food Allergy Network (HFAN)

Contact Name:
Danielle Williams & Cynthia Garza

Houston, TX
United States

To provide support to families dealing with the daily challenges of managing food allergies, to raise community awareness, and to advocate for change

Greater Buffalo Food Allergy Alliance

Contact Name:
Renata Doerr; Karen Chowaniec
Contact Email:

Western New York, NY
United States

Our mission is to share information, tips, and experiences to ease the challenges of living with food allergies as well as to raise awareness in the community through outreach programs and presentations.

SAFE of Greenville, Support for People with Asthma, Food Allergies, and to Help Educate Greenville

Contact Name:
Casey Phillips
Contact Email:

Greenville, SC
United States

Our purpose is to provide education, advocacy, and awareness of food allergies and asthma in order to promote a healthy and safe environment for families dealing with these issues. The goal is to educate others throughout the community.

Food-Free Fun for Everyone

Contact Name:
Elizabeth Moreno, Tracy Lehto, Louise Tippens
Contact Email:

Greater Portland Metro Area, OR
United States

To provide children managing food allergies and restrictions with safe and inclusive social events were they and their families can find personal connections and support.

Brooklyn Food Allergy Group

Contact Name:
H. Bayer
Contact Email:

Brooklyn , NY
United States

We are a social group and encourage members to bring their children. We share recipes, books and coping ideas for those who are newly diagnosed and others wanting more information. We also support those who have special diets due to celiac, ADHD or autism.

FACES; Food Allergic Children Education and Support

Contact Name:
L. Gellatly
Contact Email:

Macomb Township, MI
United States

We are a volunteer support group for families of children with severe food allergies. We are over 100 families strong, supporting each other through our online Yahoo group and through quarterly meetings. We are about being proactive, educating and supporting each other and raising awareness.

Food Allergy Connection

Contact Name:
A. Cohen, M. Vecchi

Macomb/Oakland Counties, MI
United States

To organize safe and fun events for those with food allergies and their families to participate in.

COFAF; Circle of Food Allergic Families

Contact Name:
J. Berg
Contact Email:

Oakland County, MI
United States

We are a team of parents of children with food allergies and eosinophilic disorders. We offer support in facing the daily challenges, exchange information, and share recipes.

No Nuts Moms Group

Contact Name:
L. Rutter

Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US, one in Canada, and one in the United Kingdom. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

The Allergy & Asthma Awareness Initiative, Inc.

Contact Name:
Kristie DeLoreto
Contact Email:

Peabody, MA
United States

AAAI, Inc. is committed to raising awareness and education around allergies, asthma, and food intolerance.

Supporting Allergic Families through Education (S.A.F.E.)

Contact Name:
D. DeCosta
Contact Email:

Anne Arundel & Howard Counties, MD
United States

To provide emotional support for families with food allergic members. To network and exchange ideas on daily management of food allergies as well as learn about current information on the diagnosis, management and treatment of food allergies.

Four County Food Allergy Support Team

Contact Name:
C. Bloch
Contact Email:

Montgomery, Howard, Frederick, and Carroll Counties, MD
United States

The Four County Food Allergy Support Team supports food allergic families with education, advocacy, website and meeting forums while helping schools and communities become "food allergy-friendly".

Union de Padres por la Alergia Alimentaria

Contact Name:
Paola Contreras Castro
Contact Email:

Ciudad de Mexico, CDMX

NNMG Food Allergic Families of Durham

Contact Name:
Megan Rowley
Contact Email:

Durham ON

The mission of NNMG Food Allergic Families of Durham is to provide a supportive group environment for parents and guardians of children with food allergies, to raise awareness about the prevalence of food allergies and the challenges of raising a child with food allergies, and to inform and educate parents, caregivers, peers, and educators about safely caring for children with food allergies.

Hervey Bay Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
R. Eiritz
Contact Email:

Queensland QLD

To share recipes, knowledge and support for those seeking to learn more about food allergies in a relaxed social environment.

No Nuts Moms Group - Central MA

Contact Name:
Donna DeBetta-Pierre
Contact Email:

Central Massachusetts, MA
United States

No Nuts Moms Group - Palm Beach County

Contact Name:
Laura Hass
Contact Email:

Palm Beach County, FL
United States

Empowering and encouraging families impacted by food allergies.

No Nut Moms of Bakersfield — All Food Allergies Welcome

Contact Name:
Donna Balch
Contact Email:

Bakersfield, CA
United States

To provide support to all dealing with food allergies and education of the general public.

Food Allergy Friends of the Central Valley

Contact Name:
Danielle Berchtold
Contact Email:

Modesto, CA
United States

To provide peer support for local families with food allergies. 

Food Allergy Association of WI - Kenosha County Chapter

Contact Name:
Lauren Woolard
Contact Email:

Bristol, WI
United States

To support local children and parents of children with food allergies and to also educate the school and surrounding community. 

Food Allergies Rochester, MN

Contact Name:
Paige Ma

Rochester, MN
United States

Food Allergies Rochester, MN seeks to support, connect, educate and advocate on behalf of individuals living with food allergies in the greater Rochester, MN region. 

Phoenix Food Allergy Community

Contact Name:
Hope Nardi
Contact Email:

Phoenix, AZ
United States

Phoenix Food Allergy Community is dedicated to help improve the lives of those affected by food allergies through education, support and inspiration.

FAFF; Food Allergic Family and Friends

Contact Name:
S. Beuker

Kalamazoo/Portage, MI
United States

We support one another in facing the daily challenges of living with food allergies. We help educate each other through discussion and the exchange of information. We strive to raise awareness in our community. We hope to teach our children to manage their own allergies and advocate for themselves.

Moorhead-Food Allergy Support Team (FM-FAST)

Contact Name:
G. Wallman PhD
Contact Email:

Moorhead, MN
United States

We are a volunteer community organization that provides support for parents who have children with a food allergy, and to promote awareness and understanding within North Dakota and Western Minnesota.

Lakes Area Food Allergy Support

Contact Name:
K. Paulus
Contact Email:

Brainerd, MN
United States

We provide support and education for individuals and families living with food allergies throughout the Brainerd Lakes area.

Food Allergy Support Services

Contact Name:
C. Popek

Buffalo, NY
United States

We support individuals and families affected by food allergies and elevate awareness and understanding in the community.

PAK; Protect Allergic Kids

Contact Name:
C. Stainkamp

Holbrook, NY
United States

Our mission is to create awareness and educate people regarding food allergies and the importance of keeping kids safe in schools, day care centers, etc. We also like to share recipes and build a network of support for parents and caregivers. At many of our meetings, we have guest speakers. We give presentations to PTAs and other groups to help educate the community.

FACTS; Food Allergies: Coping, Teaching, Supporting

Contact Name:
J. Leinenbach
Contact Email:

Rochester, NY
United States

FACTS has bimonthly meetings where we provide resources, support families, and offer kid-friendly events. Our focus is to educate schools and other community groups about food allergies.

Food Allergy Families of Rockland

Contact Name:
H. Dolinsky, D. Lynch
Contact Email:

Rockland County, NY
United States

We are a social group, supporting one another with dealing with food allergies.

FAASG; Food Allergy & Asthma Support Group of North New Jersey

Contact Name:
L. Giuriceo
Contact Email:

Livingston/Florham Park, NJ
United States

We are a proactive group, focusing on education, support, community outreach, and fundraising. We meet on the third Monday of each month, 200 S. Orange Ave., Livingston, 7:30-9 pm, plus we hold special events throughout the year.

Food Allergy Support Group of Gloucester County

Contact Name:
D. Pantano and S. Maccarone
Contact Email:

Swedesboro, NJ
United States

We help local families dealing with food allergy issues. We provide support, share recipes, share ideas for food free parties and activities, and talk about ways to work with schools.

SPOAK; Support Parents of Allergic Kids

Contact Name:
C. Chang, J. Bonerbo
Contact Email:

Westwood, NJ
United States

Hoboken Food Allergy Awareness Group

Contact Name:
Alyssa Wachtler and Jenna Stock, RD

Hoboken, NJ
United States

We are a support group for parents of children with food allergies. We meet monthly to discuss managing our children’s food allergies, as well as host special events. Previous events have included a supermarket tour by a registered dietician, and a discussion on food substitutions led by a professional chef.

OFASG; Omaha Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
OFASG Committee
Contact Email:

Omaha, NE
United States

OFASG addresses the needs of severely food allergic-children and their families by providing programs that support and encourage a healthy environment in their homes and communities

FACST - Food Allergy: Connect, Support, Thrive of KC

Contact Name:
S. Albert, M. Danley
Contact Email:

Kansas City, MO
United States

To provide educational and emotional support to families dealing with food allergies, as well as, raise awareness in our community regarding the needs of people with food allergies.

"FACE IT": Food Allergic Children's Education in Tupelo

Contact Name:
A. Murphree
Contact Email:

Tupelo, MS
United States

FACE IT's mission is to educate, inform and support parents, caregivers and the community about safely caring for children with food allergies while raising public awareness and promoting positive change.

AFAA; Anaphylaxis and Food Allergy Association of Minnesota

Contact Name:
N. Narvaez, J. Schaefer

St. Paul, MN
United States

To educate, advocate, and offer support using AFAA guidelines. We participate in the Food Allergy Conference at the University of Minnesota. We are involved in outreach, updating epinephrine laws (ambulances and schools), and other state policies. We hold food-free social events, and meetings and communicate with our e-newsletter.

FAAS: Food Allergy Awareness Supporters

Contact Name:
D. Vogelgesang & J. Raidt
Contact Email:

Waconia, MN
United States

FAAS is committed to working together to support those living with life-threatening food allergies. Our mission is to raise food allergy awareness in our community by creating support systems, building relationships, and educating the public.

Food Allergy Support Team (F.A.S.T.)

Contact Name:
Loren Berkovics, Alysha Bhatia
Contact Email:

5 Towns, Southern Nassau county, Southern Queens County, NY
United States

Our mission is to provide families and individuals affected by food allergies and asthma with peer support groups and education, creating awareness throughout the 5-towns, Southern Nassau and Queens communities, as well as, helping with advocacy issues. Teaching use and preparedness for Epinephrine auto-injectors; to "Think F.A.S.T., and act F.A.S.T."

No Nuts Moms Group - Dayton, OH

Contact Name:
Rachel Hayden
Contact Email:

Dayton, OH
United States

To provide support, encouragement, and information to Dayton, Ohio families with food allergies.

Food Allergy Families of East Alabama

Contact Name:
Crystal Alexander, Abbie Pari

Auburn/Opelika, AL
United States

Our mission is to provide a supportive environment to those affected by food allergies, and to network in order to share ideas and to educate ourselves and others while raising public awareness.

No Nuts Moms Group - West Palm Beach

Contact Name:
Lisa Rutter

West Palm Beach, FL
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US and one in Canada. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

Safe Choices

Contact Name:
A. Brocious

Naples, FL
United States

Safe Choices focuses on parents of children with food allergies by providing support and education to navigate through this challenging diagnosis.

Adults with Food Allergies Support Group

Contact Name:
Lara Holland

Atlanta, GA
United States

Help provide support to adults with multiple food allergies, and provide a support outlet to help family members & friends of those with food allergies.

Food Allergy Kids of Atlanta, Inc.

Contact Name:
Karen Harris
Contact Email:

Atlanta and surrounding areas, GA
United States

Food Allergy Kids of Atlanta increases public understanding on the importance of food allergy management and the seriousness in food allergy reactions through the means of community outreach, free resources, and programs and events. Food Allergy Kids of Atlanta supports advancements in food allergy research. Food Allergy Kids of Atlanta is dedicated to helping create a safer and more educated environment in Georgia for individuals with food allergies, asthma, anaphylaxis, and other related conditions.

No Nuts Moms Group of Dalton, GA

Contact Name:
Julie Sane
Contact Email:

Dalton, GA
United States

Northeast GA Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Jennifer Addington

Blue Ridge, GA
United States

Committed to being an advocate & raising awareness in local community by encouraging, educating & supporting families affected by food allergies.

Food Allergy Support Group of Tampa Bay

Contact Name:
Tara Geise

Tampa Bay Area, FL
United States

We are a group to provide support, education and personal connections to parents of children with food allergies in the Tampa Bay area.

West Georgia Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Jenna Bearden

Carrolton, GA
United States

awareness to our communities. Encouraging, educating, and supporting families in our local communities.

CIFAST (Central Illinois Food Allergy Support Team)

Contact Name:
Katie May
Contact Email:

Urbana, IL
United States

CIFAST’s mission is to be a community where families affected by food allergy are empowered through education and belonging. We aim to provide up to date learning, support, and motivation to increase the health and safety of children with food allergy. We at CIFAST also aim to inspire our families to become active in promoting Food Allergy Awareness in their communities.

Poca of DuPage (POCA)

Contact Name:
Kellee Konieczny
Contact Email:

Western Suburbs of Chicago, IL
United States

To provide support and information to members and to increase community awareness of food and advocate for change when necessary. In keeping with these goals, POCA of DuPage continues to provide information and support to its members, to raise community awareness of anaphylactic food allergies and to advocate for changes in policies and laws as needed. POCA of DuPage focus on practical ways of coping with food allergies and anaphylaxis in everyday life. Our meetings frequently include speakers and/or discussions on issues such as shopping and cooking, restaurants, family life, schools, preschools, travel, media, and legislation. Many of our topics are also relevant to those with severe latex allergies. POCA of DuPage is not in the business of providing medical advice. Please consult a qualified medical provider for medical advice pertaining to your own particular situation.

FACA; Food Allergy Community Awareness

Contact Name:
K. Trone
Contact Email:

Galesburg, IL
United States

To increase awareness in our community so that the lives for food allergic individuals may be happy and productive.

MOCHA (Mothers of Children Having Allergies)

Contact Name:
Denise Bunning; Anne Thompson
Contact Email:

Chicago Northern Suburbs, IL
United States

MOCHA educates the community and supports families of children with severe food allergies. We are located in northern suburban Chicago. We also offer tips to help families cope with the stress in dealing with day-to-day aspects of managing food allergies.

Food Allergy Community of Western Springs Area

Contact Name:
Christina West, Jenna Fraher

Western Springs and neighboring towns, IL
United States

Food Allergy Community of Western Springs Area is a group of local individuals affected by food allergy acts as mutual sounding board on various allergy-related topics. We communicate via a closed Facebook group and meet casually in person on a bi-monthly schedule. Group offers additional social opportunities for affected families and works to improve local school and community understanding of food allergy to keep food-allergic children safe and fully included.

Bloomington PoCHA: Parents of Children Having Allergies

Contact Name:
Nicole Van Sant

Bloomington, IN
United States

To support families in our community who live with food allergies.

Tri-State Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Support Group

Contact Name:
K. Moors

Evansville, IN
United States

Our monthly meetings include six meetings a year with speakers and six educational sessions a year for the newly diagnosed. We also focus on community education.

DM-FACES; Des Moines Food Allergy Community Education and Support

Contact Name:
A. Uetz
Contact Email:

Des Moines, IL
United States

Through education and support, DM FACES is committed to developing a safe community for our children living with severe food allergies.

No Nuts Moms Group - Tampa

Phone Number:
Contact Name:
Lisa Rutter

Tampa, FL
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US and one in Canada. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

No Nuts Moms Group - Palm Coast

Contact Name:
Lisa Rutter

Palm Coast, FL
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US and one in Canada. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

Florida Food Allergy Council

Contact Name:
D. Almond

Lithia (east of Tampa), FL
United States

Our purpose is to provide education, advocacy, and awareness in order to promote a happy and safe environment for our families. The initial goal will be to educate the local schools throughout the community.

No Nuts Moms Group - Central Arkansas

Contact Name:
Lisa Rutter

Central Arkansas, AR
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US and one in Canada. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

No Nuts Moms Group - Northern Arkansas

Contact Name:
Lisa Rutter

Northern Arkansas, AR
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US and one in Canada. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

The Saddlebck Church Parents of Children with Food Allergies Support Group

Phone Number:
Contact Name:
CJ Land

Lake Forest, CA
United States

This support group is designed to be a safe place where you can come and share your fears with other parents that understand what you are going through.

Allergy Support Anaphylaxis Prevention-South Bay "ASAP-SB"

Contact Name:
Y. Kozar

Rolling Hills Estates, CA
United States

To support parents and kids that are diagnosed with anaphylactic allergies. To bring information, support and experts to the support group and allow the allergy community to share safe practices.

No Nuts Moms Group - Inland Empire

Contact Name:
Lisa Rutter

Island Empire, CA
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US and one in Canada. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

No Nuts Moms Group - Los Angeles

Contact Name:
Ashley Smith
Contact Email:

Los Angeles, CA
United States

The No Nuts Moms Group is dedicated to creating a supportive community for families living with food allergies.

No Nuts Moms Group - Orange County

Contact Name:
Stephanie Labile
Contact Email:

Orange County, CA
United States

To help educate as many people as possible in my community. My/our main focus & mission is to advocate, teach and continue the fundraising in hopes to find a cure.

San Clemente Food Allergy Support Group (Online Group)

Contact Name:
S. Ireland, S. Kiley
Contact Email:

San Clemente, CA
United States

 We are an online Yahoo group providing support to families of food allergic children.

San Diego Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Wynelle Ririe and Monica Davis

San Diego, CA
United States

We host meetings, educational seminars, and a website that offers links to articles about food allergy and the latest research, as well as a message forum where parents can chat with other parents in the San Diego area.

San Fernando Valley Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
D. Adler

Sherman Oaks, CA
United States

To provide and receive support from other families in our situation, share ideas, information and resources.

I-CAN; Inspiring Children with Allergies Network

Contact Name:
Betsy Rinehart, Julie Trone, Jill Kuhn
Contact Email:

Fort Collins, CO
United States

MOSAIC; Mothers of Severely Allergic Infants and Children

Contact Name:
Missy Szymanski, Beth Portarf, Jush Christensen
Contact Email:

Lone Tree, CO
United States

Our group provides encouragement, educational tools, and general understanding for families dealing with food allergies. We share information (recipes, doctors, experiences, etc.), we have speakers, and we try to educate our community.

SAFE of Boulder County

Contact Name:
Nicole Ondatje; Josh Ondatje, Minnie Pifferario
Contact Email:

Boulder, CO
United States

Education, support and outreach.


Contact Name:
Aleasa Word
Contact Email:

Newark/Wilmington, DE
United States

To support and educate the food allergic community through cultural inclusion.

Metro DC Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Kari Keaton
Contact Email:

Montgomery County, Washington DC and other DC suburbs, MD
United States

To help families manage food allergies and other allergic conditions.

No Nuts Moms Group

Contact Name:
Catherine Hamling
Contact Email:

Bettendorf/PV, IA
United States

Food Allergy Support Group of Greater Kansas City

Contact Name:
Mandi Kearns
Contact Email:

Plaza area, Kansas City, MO, KS
United States

This group will help enable families affected by food allergies by providing support, education and a community to build personal connections.

Food Allergy Community of East Tennessee, Inc.

Contact Name:
Becky Basalone
Contact Email:

East Tennessee, TN
United States

Our mission is to improve the social aspect of food allergy through support, education, and advocacy as a group of individuals and families affected by food allergies and anaphylaxis.

No Nuts Moms Group - Orlando, FL

Contact Name:
Karen Contino; Melissa Ray Rice
Contact Email:

Orlando, FL
United States

This is a peanut and tree-nut free group for all ages. The group will meet up for indoor and outdoor events. We also have adult only outings and are open to any other suggestions. If you are a working or a stay at home mother who has a child with a life threatening allergy, please join us. This is a chance for you and your child to develop a lifelong friendship with someone you both can relate to. 

Texas Children's Hospital Food Allergy Family Network

Contact Name:
Theresa Aldape; Daisy Tran

Houston and surrounding area, TX
United States

The Food Allergy Family Network at Texas Children’s Hospital will provide education, treatment, research opportunities and network family support to enhance the quality of life of children, adolescents and young adults with food allergies.

Food Allergy Parent Education Group (FAPE)

Contact Name:
Linette Anguiano; Megan Hubble; Barbara Flippin
Contact Email:

Las Vegas/Henderson, NV
United States

To be an educational resource to families in Southern Nevada who are managing life threatening food allergies.

FAST, Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Loren Berkovics
Contact Email:

Nassau, Queens, and Kings Counties, NY
United States

Advocate, Educate and Support through psycho-education to help families and individuals with allergies and asthma. Use of group therapeutic skill building to gain confidence, empowerment, and lower anxiety attached to having allergies and asthma.

F.A.C.T. (Food Allergy Community of TN)

Contact Name:
Ginger Hyatt
Contact Email:

Nashville, TN
United States

This group is a place for Nashville, TN and our surrounding area, F.A.C.T. members to connect, ask questions and be encouraged. We will be able to share tips, concerns, recipes, and more as we are learning to manage food allergies.

Food Allergy Network

Contact Name:
Sarah Michalak

Sturbridge, MA
United States

In partnership with the community, the Food Allergy Network increases awareness, education, and support for individuals with food allergies. Our vision is to ensure a safe, inclusive, and cooperative society that embraces the opportunities and realities presented by food allergies.

Martha’s Vineyard Family Center Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
S. Schumack
Contact Email:

Martha’s Vineyard, MA
United States

Our support groups provide an opportunity for people with asthma and allergies (and/or family members parents, and caregivers) to hear speakers, ask questions, learn more about managing asthma and allergies in "the real world," and share ideas and strategies in a small group. Each group has a physician advisor and a volunteer leader or co-leaders who together plan topics of interest. They meet in a variety of community locations, including medical centers, doctors' offices and schools.

No Nuts Moms Group

Contact Name:
L. Rutter

Uxbridge, MA
United States

We have several peanut and nut free groups throughout the US, one in Canada, and one in the United Kingdom. We provide online support as well as peanut and nut free play groups for all ages. The play groups are a great way to form lifelong connections with others in your area. We also have an online forum and support group for all food allergic families suffering from food allergies. Our face book community page offers up to date food allergy news as well as online support. We also set up food allergy awareness tables at schools and play places in order to raise awareness and educate the community.

West Metro Food Allergy Connection

Contact Name:
Mary Schlief
Contact Email:

Howard Lake, MN
United States

Food Allergy Association of WI - Central WI Chapter

Contact Name:
Jen Faust
Contact Email:

Wausau, WI
United States

Food Allergy Families of Northwest Florida

Contact Name:
Kirsten Sears & Jerri Weinmann
Contact Email:

Panama City, FL
United States

Working together to provide support and advocacy for local food allergic children and their families.

Circle of Food Allergic Families (COFAF)

Contact Name:
Jill Berg
Contact Email:

Metro Detroit, MI area, MI
United States

Support families managing food allergies and/or eosinophilic disorders, advocate on their behalf to effect necessary changes in legislature, healthcare, school policies, etc. and to raise awareness in the community.

FEAST of the Main Line (Food and Environmental Allergy Support Team)

Contact Name:
Jean Kintisch
Contact Email:

Main Line/Western suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
United States

We support our local families that have children diagnosed with allergies and educate the community.

Chambersburg Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Ann Deardorff, Melissa Kuhns

Chambersburg, PA
United States

The Chambersburg Food Allergy Support Group's mission is to provide a safe place for people who live with food allergies to share experiences, advice, and support.

Parents Having Allergic Children Team (PHACT) of Chester County

Contact Name:
Jenine Lawton

Chester County PA and surrounding areas, PA
United States

Our mission is to help families who manage food allergies and related issues connect, support each other and thrive.

"My" Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Dena Friedel
Contact Email:

Columbus, Ohio and surrounding area, OH
United States

No Nuts Moms Group

Contact Name:
Lisa Rutter

Rochester, MI
United States

We are a group dedicated to learning, educating, supporting and connecting others with food allergies.

Food Allergy Families of Northeast Florida

Contact Name:
Elani Wiest, PhD
Contact Email:

Northeast Florida, FL
United States

Food Allergy Families (FAF) of Northeast Florida is a support group for families managing food allergies and focuses on education, awareness, and advocacy.

Louisville Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Tami Pyles
Contact Email:

Louisville, KY
United States

To support individuals and families in the Louisville, KY area with food allergies through meetings on topics related to food allergy management and developing a network of peers and resources.

Food Allergy Alliance of Baltimore

Contact Name:
Amy S. Provan, Brian Jacobs
Contact Email:

Baltimore, MD
United States

The focus of our group is to provide a supportive environment for families managing food allergies. We provide online support for parents of food-allergic children living in Baltimore through a Facebook Group, as well as playdates, and other gatherings.


Contact Name:
Kate Parker
Contact Email:

Pittsburgh, PA
United States

A support group for those affected by food allergies in the Pittsburgh area.

No Nuts Moms Group - Richmond

Contact Name:
Stephanie Gatewood
Contact Email:

Richmond, VA
United States

To support families with food allergies.

Northeast Ohio Food Allergy Network (NEOFAN)

Contact Name:
Abigail Glick, MD
Contact Email:

Cleveland/Northeast Ohio, OH
United States

The mission of Northeast Ohio Food Allergy Network is to minimize the impact of food allergies in families’ lives through support, education, research and advocacy. Our regional group, established for all ages and stages, provides tools to aid in the well-being of those with food allergies.

Parents of Allergic Kids Charlotte

Contact Name:
Randi Eccleston
Contact Email:

Charlotte, NC
United States

Parents of Allergic Kids’ goal is to provide a supportive environment for parents of and the children who have serious food allergies. We want to raise awareness about the prevalence and severity of food allergies. We also want to educate parents, caregivers, professionals, and our children’s peers about safely caring for our children. Parents of Allergic Kids is not a professional or medical organization. We are a network of friends sharing information and supporting each other. The discussions, meeting minutes, handouts, speakers, agendas and other products of this group do not constitute medical and /or legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Always discuss individual health / medical concerns with a qualified personal physician.

No Nuts Moms Group - Washington State

Contact Name:
Laine Phounsavan
Contact Email:

Washington State, WA
United States

We are dedicated to learning, educating, supporting, and connecting WA families dealing with food allergies.

No Nuts Moms Group - Columbus, Ohio

Contact Name:
Stacy Bolon
Contact Email:

Pataskala, OH
United States

To offer knowledge and support to parents of kids with food allergy.

Utah Food Allergy Network

Contact Name:
Amanda Bee & Tammy Zundel

Utah, Wyoming, Southern Idaho, UT
United States

UFAN’s mission is to provide outreach to the newly diagnosed and the community at large, offering support, promoting education, building awareness of the severity of food allergies and anaphylaxis, and advocating for positive change.

Northeast Georgia Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Jennifer Addington; Sandy Sosebee

Fanin, Union, Gilmer Counties, GA
United States

Committed to being an advocate & raising awareness in the local community by encouraging, educating & supporting families affected by food allergies.

Food Allergy Support and Education (FASE)

Contact Name:
Jill Mindlin; Lenore Collins
Contact Email:

Long Island, NY
United States

Support and Education regarding food allergy issues.


Contact Name:
Suzie Fromer
Contact Email:

Westchester County, NY; NYC Metro Region, NY
United States

Our mission is to provide our community with support and education through an active email loop and website, events, advocacy and other resources.

Anaphylactic Food Allergy Support New Mexico

Contact Name:
Ivy Rizzo, Charlotte Joseph, Stephanie Collins
Contact Email:

New Mexico Entire State, NM
United States

New Mexicans thriving with life-threatening food allergies. Providing play groups, education, advocacy, and support.

The Northern Virginia Food Allergy Group

Contact Name:
Brett Fox
Contact Email:

Northern Virginia, VA
United States

Our mission is to inform and educate while building community awareness about food allergies in Northern Virginia.

Gateway FEAST (Food Allergy, Eczema & Asthma Support Team)

Contact Name:
C. Depke
Contact Email:

Greater St. Louis City & County & parts of Illinois, MO
United States

We are an educational support group dedicated to providing resources, social activities, and encouragement to families coping with food allergies, eczema, and asthma. We work to raise awareness, promote advocacy, and educate the community regarding the unique needs of these families.

No Nuts Moms Group - Dayton, OH

Contact Name:
Rachel Hayden
Contact Email:

Dayton, OH
United States

To provide support, encouragement, and information to Dayton, Ohio families with food allergies.

No Nuts Moms Group of South Jersey

Contact Name:
Lisa Rosenberg
Contact Email:

Southern NJ, NJ
United States

No Nuts Moms Group of South Jersey is a FARE-recognized local support group. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and the health of individuals with food allergies. No Nuts Moms Group of South Jersey is committed to connecting and supporting local families managing complicated food allergies through educational speakers, support coffees, and community events that include and empower the whole family.

FAST-EB (Food Allergy Support Team of the East Bay) 

Contact Name:
Lori Green 
Contact Email:

San Francisco Bay Area , CA
United States

The Mission of FAST-EB is to bring together members of the community to share ideas and provide education and support to improve the lives of those living with food allergies. 

Coastal Food Allergy Support

Contact Name:
Charity Luiskutty
Contact Email:

SE Virginia and NE North Carolina , VA
United States

Food allergy education, advocacy and support for families in Coastal Virginia and NE North Carolina (CoFAS was formally FASGOT - Food Allergy Support Group of Tidewater)

Houston Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Pooja Goradia

Houston, TX
United States

The focus of Houston Food Allergy Support is to offer a network of support, comprehensive education, and tools and tips for the parents and caregivers of food allergic children. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for families and raise awareness of allergies in our greater community.

Premier Allergy and Asthma Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Sarah Russolillo, Kayleigh Snyder
Contact Email:

Dublin, OH
United States

We provide support and information for local families with food allergy diagnosis. We help them to navigate work, school, day care, meal prep, and everyday life.

Allergy Awareness for Children Everywhere

Contact Email:

Peoria, IL
United States

To support and empower parents of children with allergies, as well as the child themselves, to go about their daily lives without hesitation.

The Mighty Oaks Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Karen Liebold

Streamwood, IL
United States

The Mighty Oaks Food Allergy Support Group provides monthly gatherings for people who have food allergies or who are caring for those with food allergies. Monthly gatherings provide social support, education, and encouragement. Please check the Facebook page for monthly gathering information.

Red Sneakers For Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter

Contact Email:

Peoria, IL
United States

To aid, and empower parents of children with allergies, as well as the child themselves, to go about their daily lives without hesitation through support, research, education and advocacy.

Greater Hartford Food Allergy Support Group

Contact Name:
Lisa H. Cooperman MS, RDN
Contact Email:

Simsbury, CT
United States

To create a safe place for people to discuss a range of topics from food allergy substitutions to handling uncomfortable situation such as school lunch and community activities.

Food Allergy and Beyond (FAAB)

Contact Name:
Amanda Bee
Contact Email:

Provo, UT
United States

Food Allergy & Beyond (FAAB) was created to connect and empower those living with food allergies, allergic diseases, and other co-morbid conditions. We encourage our members to be educated, advocate, and live their best life!

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias


Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias


Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias

All SA

Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias


Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias


Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias

All WA

Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias


Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults

Contact Name:
Melrick Dias

All NT

Allergy Life Australia is a national non-profit organisation in Australia.  Our mission at Allergy Life Australia is to support, enhance and advocate for the lives and lifestyles of those living with Allergies in Australia by providing awareness, support, empowerment and connection through a range of modern programs and initiatives to improve the lives and lifestyles of Australians living with allergies.

One of our on-going support initiatives is our Online Allergy Support Groups for Families and Adults with allergies. Held monthly, these support groups are free to join and made for Australians living with allergies to have open and genuine discussions about various topics related to their life with allergies. Our support groups are held in a safe and welcoming online environment and are led by verified volunteer facilitators from Allergy Life Australia. To learn more and to join, please visit https://allergylife.com.au/supportgroups

Kids Against Allergies

Contact Name:
Janay Bankhead
Contact Email:

Jackson, MS
United States

Kids Against Allergies is dedicated to empowering children and their families affected by allergies. We foster a supportive community that promotes education, awareness, and inclusion. Through advocacy, resources, and peer support, we strive to ensure that no child feels marginalized or alone in their journey to live a fulfilling life free from allergic reactions.

Fairfield / Westchester County Food Allergy Support Network

Contact Name:
Katie Geenberg
Contact Email:

Westchester County, NY
United States

The Fairfield / Westchester County Food Allergy Support Network is a food allergy family community focused in Fairfield County Connecticut and Westchester County New York. Our group strives to offer support, guidance, encouragement and understanding for our local food allergy families through sharing local recommendations, information and hosting periodic in-person programming.

Fairfield / Westchester County Food Allergy Support Network

Contact Name:
Katie Geenberg
Contact Email:

Fairfield County, CT
United States

The Fairfield / Westchester County Food Allergy Support Network is a food allergy family community focused in Fairfield County Connecticut and Westchester County New York. Our group strives to offer support, guidance, encouragement and understanding for our local food allergy families through sharing local recommendations, information and hosting periodic in-person programming.

South Side Food Allergy Caregiver Support (FACS)

Contact Name:
Rebecca Incledon
Contact Email:

Chicago, IL
United States

South Side Food Allergy Caregiver Support (FACS) aims to build a support network for parents and other caregivers of food-allergic children on the South Side of Chicago.

Whether you are new to food allergies or facing a new milestone, sharing experiences and meeting other individuals and families who are in the same situation can be incredibly helpful. 

To help you connect with a group in your area, FARE offers local contact information for food allergy support groups across the country. Use this search tool to identify and contact a support group near you. Support groups operate independently from FARE. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider if you have any questions, or before making any changes to your child's diet.

Use this search tool to search by state for a support group in your area. Many groups offer in-person meetings, events and activities, while others are based solely on websites or social media and provide an online-only forum for group members. 

Ladies talking

Start a Support Group

Interested in starting a Support Group? FARE-Recognized Support Groups and Support Group Leaders provide a valuable resource to the millions of families across the country managing the diagnosis of food allergy. They serve an integral role in carrying out FARE’s mission by hosting meetings, forums and events to help families living with food allergies feel safe, included and supported. Our Support Groups are completely volunteer-run, meaning if there is not one in your area, we are in need of community leaders like you to create one!

FARE, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to include or exclude any Support Group from this listing at any time. FARE is not responsible for any contact, private or commercial, that Support Group Leaders may receive as a result of posting your Support Group information in our public directory. 

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