FARE is proud to stand up for the food allergy community. Learn about the top issues we are working on at the federal and state levels.
School Guidelines
Ensure your school’s policies are in line with federal and state laws that protect children who live with food allergies.
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Access to Epinephrine

Public Access to Epinephrine
Multiple states have passed legislation that permits, but does not require, various public venues, referred to as entities, to stock undesignated epinephrine for use in case of an emergency.

College and University Access to Epinephrine
The increasing number of people with food allergies, coupled with the fact that teenagers and young adults with food allergies are at the highest risk of fatal food-induced anaphylaxis, makes access to epinephrine a critical issue for colleges and universities.

School Access to Epinephrine
View the status of school epinephrine legislation and guidelines across the country
Food Allergies and Restaurants
FARE works with individuals, policymakers and restaurant industry groups to advocate on behalf of families managing food allergies.
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Learn how the law protects people with food allergies from discrimination—and what to do if you feel your or a loved one’s rights have been violated
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Become An Advocate
FARE Advocates build and sustain critical support for the food allergies on the local and national levels by advocating for the most significant public policy issues facing our community. We use our collective voice of 33 million Americans living with potentially life-threatening food allergies to effect change across the country.