Food Allergy-Friendly Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day
"Regardless of what you do for your mom on Mother’s Day, make sure that it’s given with appreciation! Your mom will love it!"
Guest post by Teen Advisory Group (TAG) member Ameya Balaji
With Mother’s Day coming up, we’re all looking forward to making our moms’ day! For me, Mother’s Day is the perfect time to appreciate my mom. Though moms are remarkable in many ways, I’m particularly thankful for how considerate my mom is about my food allergies! Whether home-cooking food daily or always reading ingredient labels, my mom has always supported my food allergy journey! Read on to learn about some of the ways I like to celebrate a food allergy-friendly Mother’s Day with my mom!
Allergy-Friendly Recipes and Restaurants

With all of the cooking moms do for us, a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day is by treating her to a meal! I personally love making food with my mom, but eating out is a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day, too! Be it cooking up an allergen-friendly recipe or taking her to her favorite restaurant, FARE has tons of resources for allergy-friendly feasting! Visit the Feasting With FARE recipe page on to browse recipes for Mom, or check out tips from FARE's Teen Advisory Group (TAG) on how to dine out safely. For example, you'll find this recipe for a delicious mug cake here. I’ll probably be making (and eating!) this with my mom! Yum!

Handmade Cards
I love making cards and DIY crafts for others, and Mother’s Day is no exception to this! Making something for Mom is a food-free way to celebrate Mother’s Day, and it’s a go-to for special events! One craft I love gifting (along with a card) is origami flowers like the one shown here. These are easy to make and awesome for people with environmental allergies! Try these starters for making your own Mother’s Day card: add colorful lettering, use mixed media (try different materials to create images), or make a digital card!! I like to use online platforms that help design creative posters and cards to make my cards for Mom!
Personalized Gifts
Be it cooking supplies or jewelry, personalized gifts are a great way to show your mom care! My mom loves to cook, and I love eating her food! Each year, I browse the net for cooking supplies she might need. Last year, we bought a cotton candy machine! A few years back, I even made her a DIY apron with her name on it!
Regardless of what you do for your mom on Mother’s Day, make sure that it’s given with appreciation! Your mom will love it!