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FARE Blog August 17, 2018

10 Essential Resources for Back to School

The back-to-school season is a busy time for all parents, but especially for parents of children with food allergies. Thankfully, there are many resources online to help parents prepare for a new school year for their children with food allergies.

The back-to-school season is a busy time for all parents, but especially for parents of children with food allergies. Thankfully, there are many resources online to help parents prepare for a new school year for their children with food allergies. Sifting through the many resources available, however, can be overwhelming. We’ve created this list of the top 10 free resources you need to read, print, fill out or bookmark to use this school year:

1. Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan

FARE’s Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan describes the symptoms of an allergic reaction and outlines recommended treatment, is signed by a physician and includes emergency contact information. This document should be on file for every student with food allergy and is available in English and Spanish.

2. Keeping Students Safe & Included Training Course

This course is designed to help school staff and administrators become better prepared to manage students with food allergies and respond to food allergy emergencies. Take this free 30-minute course to learn more about managing food allergies in schools and how to best protect and keep students included. 

3. Recognizing & Responding to Anaphylaxis Training Course

Food allergy is the most common cause of anaphylaxis, although several other allergens—such as insect stings, medications or latex—can be potential triggers. Take this free 10-minute course to learn more about anaphylaxis, its causes and proper emergency response.

4. What Every Parent Must Know About Managing Food Allergies at School

In this webinar, Gina Clowes, FARE’s National Director of Training and Outreach, shares the must-know facts for establishing a safe and inclusive school environment.

5. Managing Food Allergies During the School Day

Teachers must take care to protect students with food allergies in the classroom—but that is only the beginning. These resources take a deeper dive into how school staff can manage food allergies throughout the school day and school year.

6. How a Child Might Describe a Reaction

Precious time is lost when adults do not immediately recognize that a reaction is occurring or don’t understand what a child is telling them. This webpage and one-page download (available in English and Spanish) gives examples of the words a child might use to describe a reaction.

7. CDC National Guidelines and Recommended Practices

The CDC Guidelines seek to protect the physical and emotional health of students with food allergies by providing practical information and strategies for schools while reinforcing federal laws and regulations. This webpage includes links to view the guidelines, downloadable tip sheets, webinars and more.

8. Advocacy & Awareness Tips for Parents

Protecting students with food allergies starts with standing up for your rights. Get information about federal disability laws, bullying prevention and more.

9. Section 504 & Individual Written Plans

FARE recommends that parents of children with food allergies create, in collaboration with their school, a written food allergy management plan. This page explains the federal civil rights law related to providing accommodations for students, and how to begin the process of creating a plan for your child.

10. FARE’s Back to School Headquarters

These resources and many others designed for parents, college students, schools nurses, teachers, and school administrators, can be found at FARE’s Back-to-School Headquarters. These resources include downloads, infographics, webinars, and training courses which cover everything from recognizing and responding to anaphylaxis to Section 504 plans and disability accommodations to bullying prevention and other situations at school and much more.

During this critical back to school season, FARE is closely monitoring the national epinephrine auto-injector. 

Thank you to our Back to School Sponsors Enjoy Life Foods and free2BFoods!

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