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Steps for a Safe Kitchen

Cooking for those with food allergies can be as easy as 1, 2, 3. Learn how to avoid cross-contact, prepare ingredients safely and more.

fork, knife and spoon on a plate

Step 1: Avoid Cross-Contact

  • Thoroughly clean counters, cutting boards, knives, slicers, spoons, measuring cups, mixing bowls and other equipment before preparing a meal for someone with food allergies.
  • Keep separate sets of utensils for handling safe and unsafe foods. Some families use separate dishes, usually marked by different colors.

Step 2: Wash, Rinse, Sanitize

  • Wash: Prepare a solution of warm, soapy water. Use it with a single-use towel to clean all kitchen surfaces.
  • Rinse: Fill a spray bottle with fresh water. Spray areas that have been cleaned with the soapy water. Wipe down with a clean single-use towel.
  • Sanitize: Use single-use, sanitized towels or wipes to clean all kitchen surfaces. Allow surfaces to air dry.

Step 3: Prepare Ingredients Safely

  • Wash your hands properly.
  • After handwashing, use non-latex gloves to handle safe foods.
  • Use designated tools and equipment to prepare safe foods.
  • Prepare meals for people with food allergies before other family meals.
  • Serve safe foods separately. If not serving right away, cover and keep the meal warm in an oven on low heat until it is served.

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