Update to FDA Guidance for Food Allergen Labeling - Learn More

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Securing Safe Food

Founded in March 2020 by members of the FARE Teen Advisory Group, Securing Safe Food (SSF) Corp. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit working to fight food insecurity among food-allergic individuals, and to increase the accessibility of allergen-free foods. SSF aims to reinvent the food options that food-allergic, low-income families are provided via nutritional assistance programs. We deliver allergen-safe alternatives that are more useful, varied, and nutritious for those with food allergies (FA), celiac disease, or other medical dietary restrictions. 

The SSF Program
The majority of food pantries and food banks cannot accommodate food-allergic individuals, due to cost, education gaps, or lack of protocol to keep allergy-safe foods segregated for those who need them. Even if these organizations realize they cannot support clients with food allergies, few programs have the time, resources, or desire to accommodate specific nutritional needs. Food pantries may be unable to allot their limited budgets towards more expensive, allergy-friendly items. 

Led by high school and university students, SSF works to increase the number of food pantries in the US that accommodate those with food allergies. We educate food manufacturers, nutritional assistance programs, medical practices, and the general public on the topic of food allergies and food insecurity, and we link food-allergic individuals with a source of safe food through our partner food pantries. These pantries pledge to keep our donations segregated and reserved for clients with food allergy (FA), celiac disease, or other medical dietary restrictions. Data collection helps us tailor our donations to fit each pantry’s FA needs.

Our program strives to provide food-allergic individuals with healthy and balanced alternatives to “allergen-full” products. Some examples include, among others, dairy-free cheese, spreads, and beverages (milk alternatives), gluten-free breads, baking and breakfast mixes, nut-free granola, snack bars, and seed butters.

Although SSF partners with food pantries who are already aware of and committed to food allergy safety, we also educate and partner with pantries that may not have been previously knowledgeable about the impact of FA on their clientele. We implement cross-contact protocol and dedicated FA donation areas to facilitate safe, accessible, and effective distribution of allergen-free products.

To learn more about SSF, please visit www.securingsafefood.org

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