FARE Trained Registered Dietitians
Dietitians are a great resource for all things nutrition, whether its healthy eating, food allergies, or both!
Find a Registered Dietitian Near You

A registered dietitian or registered dietitian nutritionist (RD/RDN) is an expert in the field of nutrition who has met all the requirements set by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This includes a nutrition degree, accredited internship, and a national exam. RD/RDNs must also complete continuing education requirements to stay up to date in their field.
Dietitians are a great resource for all things nutrition, whether its healthy eating, food allergies, or both! They can help you read food labels, navigate the grocery store, meal plan/prep, find ingredient swaps, and ensure you are meeting your nutritional needs while avoiding your allergens.
Below you will find registered dietitians holding a FARE Pediatric Food Allergy Certificate who are accepting patients. These dietitians are listed by location, both in the United States and internationally. Many offer telemedicine in addition to in-person visits, so if your location is not listed, there are options.
✅ Dietitians that offers both telehealth and in-person visits are marked with this green checkbox
Note: If you are a registered dietitian interested in being trained by FARE, click here.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Venus S. Kalami, MNSP, RD, CSP
Campbell, CA
Venus [ven-oos] Kalami [Kah-law-mee] is a board-certified pediatric dietitian and nutritionist at Stanford Children’s Health and a nutrition and health consultant at her consultancy Niche Noosh LLC, with over 7 years of experience in the health world. In the world of patient care, she specializes in children with digestive and allergic conditions and is committed to bridging the care inequities in these specialities.
Venus has trained at San José State University, Stanford Health Care, Stanford Children's, and Tufts University. She is the recipient of over 10 scholarly awards, including the James Beard Scholarship award. She is a strong proponent of culturally inclusive health and nutrition and regularly advocates for the adoption of cultural humility in health care and holds a special place in her heart for immigrant and refugee health.
She has excelled in many realms of health, from patient care, to groups, research, program development, and the startup world. Her work has been featured in various media outlets such as CBS KPIX-5, Good Morning America, VeryWell Health, and Health Professional Radio, and she has been an invited guest speaker at numerous national conferences.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
Megan Murphy, RD
Oakland, CA
Megan has been a Registered Dietitian since 2010, with experience working in both adult and pediatric settings. She currently works in the Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition department at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, specializing in GI and allergic conditions, including Celiac disease, Eosinophilic GI diseases, FPIES, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and feeding problems.
She is also currently a board member of the Council for Pediatric Nutrition Professionals, a subgroup of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Brigitte Smit, MS, RDN
Boulder, CO
Brigitte is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master’s degree in exercise and sport science and an undergraduate degree in psychology. She works in Early Intervention, supporting families of babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities. She has also taught nutrition at MSU Denver since 2007 as an Adjunct Professor in the Nutrition Department. Her professional interests include food allergies, child, maternal and family nutrition, sports nutrition, and behavior change. She enjoys sharing her passion for health by teaching health and nutrition classes in a variety of settings, and writing feature articles on health and nutrition topics. Her philosophy when working with young clients and their families is to see them as a child first rather than as the condition they are diagnosed with.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Malina Malkani, MS, RDN, CDN
Virtual, CT
Malina Malkani, MS, RDN, CDN, is a pediatric registered dietitian and infant and toddler feeding expert specializing in baby-led weaning, starting solids, food allergies, and picky eating. She runs a New York- and Connecticut-based private practice at MalinaMalkani.com dedicated to helping caregivers feed their babies and kids with confidence.
Malina is also the single mom of three behind the Instagram and TikTok handle, @healthy.mom.healthy.kids. A top nutrition influencer devoted to educating her audience of over 140,000 followers about infant and childhood nutrition, Malina is a trusted expert in local and national media outlets. Through multiple platforms including social media, Malkani has helped thousands of parents re-examine and improve the ways they approach feeding. Her overarching mission is to help reshape the nutritional habits and behaviors of the next generation, optimize their long-term health, and reduce the likelihood of the development of food allergies, cancer, and chronic disease.
Malina is the author of "Simple and Safe Baby-Led Weaning: How to Integrate Foods, Manage Portion Sizes and Identify Allergies" and the creator of two online courses for parents: "Safe & Simple Baby-Led Feeding" and "Solve Picky Eating." A 2022 and 2023 Forbes Health Advisory Board Member and former national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Malina completed her undergraduate degrees at Northwestern University and her master's degree in clinical nutrition at New York University.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*Licensed to provide Medical Nutrition Therapy in New York and Connecticut.
Julia Shook Munoz, MS, RD, LDN, CDN
New Haven, CT
Julia is a pediatric dietitian with almost a decade of experience providing nutrition care for newborns and beyond. She is a FARE pediatric food allergy alumni (May 2021). She currently is the RD for Yale New Haven Hospital Pediatric Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. Working with multiple allergists, Julia specializes in food hypersensitivity and providing plans for IgE mediated food allergies, FPIES, allergic proctocolitis, and EOE. She is involved with early introduction, food allergy prevention, oral food challenge preparation, and modified oral immunotherapy.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
*Appointments available through YNH Pediatric Specialty Center; must be a patient of PSC in CT.
Julie Sweeney, MD, FAAP
Darien, CT
Dr. Julie Sweeney is a board-certified pediatrician with a special focus in pediatric integrative medicine including nutrition and allergies. She is also a mom to three children with food allergies.
After 15 years as a general pediatrician, she founded her consulting practice, Allergy Mom MD, to share her professional knowledge and learned experiences with other ""allergy moms"". Families consult with her to address the challenges of raising a child with food allergies and intolerances. She takes the time to help them navigate all aspects of their child's care including nutrition, prevention, mental health and lifestyle. She guides families as they prepare for allergy testing, food challenges and treatment options, including oral immunotherapy.
Dr. Sweeney is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a Member of the Section of Integrative Medicine at the AAP. She received her FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
*Telehealth is offered to Connecticut, New York, and Florida residents and in-person in Darien, Connecticut.
Aliza Baskir, MA MS RDN LDN
Aliza Baskir, MA, MS, RDN, is a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in pediatric and adult food allergies, infant feeding, and other dietary restrictions. She provides expert care for both IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated food allergies, including EoE, celiac disease, FPIES, and FPIAP.
Aliza’s passion for working with this population stems from her and her daughter’s personal journeys with food allergies. She deeply understands the emotional and social challenges associated with managing food allergies and is committed to helping clients and their families feel empowered in navigating their dietary needs. Her approach focuses on building confidence and safety in food choices while ensuring that nutritional requirements are met.
Aliza is also passionate about helping individuals recover from eating disorders, and works as an eating disorder dietitian for a PHP eating disorder treatment facility. Similarly to Food Allergies, eating disorders can lead to anxiety and stress around eating as well as limited food variety. She is passionate about helping others repair their relationship with food and their bodies while ensuring they are optimizing their nutritional needs.
✅ Offers both telehealth visits. Learn more.
Monica Cicchini
Capitol Hill, D.C.
Monica is the outpatient pediatric subspecialty dietitian within Kaiser Permanente MAS. Monica works in a very busy GI program in addition to endocrinology and neurology teams. She sees patients from all of these specialties almost exclusively in the outpatient setting, making her a well-rounded pediatric specialist.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*I work in person at KP-Capital Hill and virtually throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Nicole Misner, MS, RDN
"Nikki is a pediatric gastroenterology dietitian specializing in digestive and allergic conditions including eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), celiac disease, pediatric feeding disorders, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Nikki works as part of a multidisciplinary pediatric gastroenterology clinic at the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa, Florida. She sees patients in partnership with USF GI physicians to development a personalized nutrition plan for children with GI conditions.
Nikki completed her undergraduate degree at University of Maine and her master's degree in nutritional sciences at the University of Florida. Nikki is actively involved in research and serves on the executive board for the Council for Pediatric Nutrition Professionals, a subgroup of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition."
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
Julie Sweeney, MD, FAAP
Virtual, FL
Dr. Julie Sweeney is a board-certified pediatrician with a special focus in pediatric integrative medicine including nutrition and allergies. She is also a mom to three children with food allergies.
After 15 years as a general pediatrician, she founded her consulting practice, Allergy Mom MD, to share her professional knowledge and learned experiences with other "allergy moms". Families consult with her to address the challenges of raising a child with food allergies and intolerances. She takes the time to help them navigate all aspects of their child's care including nutrition, prevention, mental health and lifestyle. She guides families as they prepare for allergy testing, food challenges and treatment options, including oral immunotherapy.
Dr. Sweeney is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a Member of the Section of Integrative Medicine at the AAP. She received her FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
*Telehealth is offered to Connecticut, New York, and Florida residents and in-person in Darien, Connecticut.
Sherry Coleman Collins, MS, RDN, LD
Atlanta, GA
Sherry Coleman Collins is a metro-Atlanta based registered dietitian nutritionist with experience in clinical pediatrics, school nutrition, and nutrition communications. Sherry is passionate about helping overcome the divide between fact and fiction when it comes to nutrition and making the delicious bite the healthy bite. She works with individual and corporate clients providing individualized nutrition services, with a focus on food allergies.
Sherry has spoken at dozens of conferences across the country and frequently writes and contributes to multiple print and online publications, including Today’s Dietitian, and serves as an expert to the media. Along with a distinguished group of experts, she developed the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Certificate of Training in Food Allergies. Sherry also authored the Academy's Practice Paper on the Role of the RDN in Food Allergy Diagnosis and Management.
An active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Sherry has served in a variety of roles including delegate for the Georgia Affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND), president for the Greater Atlanta Dietetic Association, and as chair of the communications committee. She currently serves as state media spokesperson for GAND. Sherry is a member of the International Network for Diet and Nutrition in Allergy (INDANA) and serves on the Americas Steering Committee. She is an award-winning dietitian, having received the Distinguished Service in Media (2016), Outstanding Dietitian of the Year (2012), and Outstanding Dietetic Student of the Year (2004) for GAND.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
*Telehealth is offered to Arizona, California, Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey and Virginia residents.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Lisa Woodruff, RDN, LD
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Lisa Woodruff, RDN, LD is a food allergy dietitian that works with infants through adults. She owns a private practice, Lisa Woodruff Nutrition, which helps families & individuals learn how to confidently manage food allergies while nurturing a healthy relationship with food.
Lisa is also the parent of a child with food allergies. She wrote the children's book "Be a Food Allergy Helper!" in 2022 to help siblings without food allergies understand their lived experiences as well as learn how to embrace the role of Food Allergy Helpers.
Lisa received the Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award in 2020 from the Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In addition to her private practice, Lisa also serves children within Iowa's early intervention program.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*Able to provide telehealth nutrition services to those located in Iowa, Illinois, or Nebraska. In-person visits available in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Monica Cicchini
Virtual, MD
Monica is the outpatient pediatric subspecialty dietitian within Kaiser Permanente MAS. Monica works in a very busy GI program in addition to endocrinology and neurology teams. She sees patients from all of these specialties almost exclusively in the outpatient setting, making her a well-rounded pediatric specialist.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*I work in person at KP-Capital Hill and virtually throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Tara McCarthy MS, RDN, LDN
Boston, MA
Tara graduated from James Madison University with a BS in nutrition, she received a masters of science degree in Nutrition from Boston University. Tara has worked at Boston Children's Hospital for over 19 years and specializes in food allergies, EoE, FPIES and celiac disease.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Shelby Oster, MS, RD, LDN
Boston, MA; Newton, MA; Danvers, MA
Shelby is an integral part of the multidisciplinary Pediatric Allergy Group at MassGeneral Hospital for Children that provides a comprehensive program for the evaluation and treatment of children with known and suspected food allergies and related conditions. As a team, we primarily focus on the diagnosis and treatment of IgE-mediated food allergies, IgE-associated diseases, and other food antigen associated diseases. We complete testing procedures such as oral food challenges when indicated.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Aliza Baskir, MA MS RDN LDN
Aliza Baskir, MA, MS, RDN, is a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in pediatric and adult food allergies, infant feeding, and other dietary restrictions. She provides expert care for both IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated food allergies, including EoE, celiac disease, FPIES, and FPIAP.
Aliza’s passion for working with this population stems from her and her daughter’s personal journeys with food allergies. She deeply understands the emotional and social challenges associated with managing food allergies and is committed to helping clients and their families feel empowered in navigating their dietary needs. Her approach focuses on building confidence and safety in food choices while ensuring that nutritional requirements are met.
Aliza is also passionate about helping individuals recover from eating disorders, and works as an eating disorder dietitian for a PHP eating disorder treatment facility. Similarly to Food Allergies, eating disorders can lead to anxiety and stress around eating as well as limited food variety. She is passionate about helping others repair their relationship with food and their bodies while ensuring they are optimizing their nutritional needs.
✅ Offers both telehealth visits. Learn more.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Cailyn Gillis, MS, RD, LN
Bozeman, MT
✅ Offers both telehealth* and in-person visits in Montana. Learn More.
*Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Shoshana Ehrenreich, RDN, CDN, CLC
BS in Nutrition and Dietetics (CUNY, Queens College)
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Dietitian Nutritionist
Pediatric Dietitian
Certified Lactation Counselor
Additional Areas of Expertise: Kosher and Gluten-Free diets, Celiac Disease, Breast pumping Support
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Malina Malkani, MS, RDN, CDN
Westchester, NY
Malina Malkani, MS, RDN, CDN, is a pediatric registered dietitian and infant and toddler feeding expert specializing in baby-led weaning, starting solids, food allergies, and picky eating. She runs a New York- and Connecticut-based private practice at MalinaMalkani.com dedicated to helping caregivers feed their babies and kids with confidence.
Malina is also the single mom of three behind the Instagram and TikTok handle, @healthy.mom.healthy.kids. A top nutrition influencer devoted to educating her audience of over 140,000 followers about infant and childhood nutrition, Malina is a trusted expert in local and national media outlets. Through multiple platforms including social media, Malkani has helped thousands of parents re-examine and improve the ways they approach feeding. Her overarching mission is to help reshape the nutritional habits and behaviors of the next generation, optimize their long-term health, and reduce the likelihood of the development of food allergies, cancer, and chronic disease.
Malina is the author of "Simple and Safe Baby-Led Weaning: How to Integrate Foods, Manage Portion Sizes and Identify Allergies" and the creator of two online courses for parents: "Safe & Simple Baby-Led Feeding" and "Solve Picky Eating." A 2022 and 2023 Forbes Health Advisory Board Member and former national media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Malina completed her undergraduate degrees at Northwestern University and her master's degree in clinical nutrition at New York University.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*Licensed to provide Medical Nutrition Therapy in New York and Connecticut.
Elizabeth Pecoraro
Mount Kisco, NY
Along with being a mom of two children with multiple food allergies, Elizabeth is also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). Elizabeth received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Binghamton University and her Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Physiology from Columbia University. Currently, Elizabeth owns a private practice, Eating Healthy 4 Life, LLC, in Westchester, NY where she see patients (adults and children) with and without food allergies. She is also a part of an online community, Backstop, that helps parents of children with food allergies through support groups and 1:1 counseling. Elizabeth’s cookbook “Food for All” is currently in the process of being published and she hopes it will be available for sale by the end of 2022.
Offers telehealth. Learn more.
*Telehealth is offered to New York, Connecticut, California, Michigan, Arizona, Colorado, Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Hawaii and Alaska residents.
Allison Schulman MS, RD, CDN
New York, NY
Allison Schulman is a registered dietitian with a private practice in New York City. She primarily focuses her practice on providing nutrition counseling to children and families with food allergies, developmental and growth delays, and pre and postnatal women. Allison completed her dietetic internship at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, received her master's degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University, and is affiliated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Julie Sweeney, MD, FAAP
Virtual, NY
Dr. Julie Sweeney is a board-certified pediatrician with a special focus in pediatric integrative medicine including nutrition and allergies. She is also a mom to three children with food allergies.
After 15 years as a general pediatrician, she founded her consulting practice, Allergy Mom MD, to share her professional knowledge and learned experiences with other ""allergy moms"". Families consult with her to address the challenges of raising a child with food allergies and intolerances. She takes the time to help them navigate all aspects of their child's care including nutrition, prevention, mental health and lifestyle. She guides families as they prepare for allergy testing, food challenges and treatment options, including oral immunotherapy.
Dr. Sweeney is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a Member of the Section of Integrative Medicine at the AAP. She received her FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn More.
*Telehealth is offered to Connecticut, New York, and Florida residents and in-person in Darien, Connecticut.
Aliza Baskir, MA MS RDN LDN
Aliza Baskir, MA, MS, RDN, is a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in pediatric and adult food allergies, infant feeding, and other dietary restrictions. She provides expert care for both IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated food allergies, including EoE, celiac disease, FPIES, and FPIAP.
Aliza’s passion for working with this population stems from her and her daughter’s personal journeys with food allergies. She deeply understands the emotional and social challenges associated with managing food allergies and is committed to helping clients and their families feel empowered in navigating their dietary needs. Her approach focuses on building confidence and safety in food choices while ensuring that nutritional requirements are met.
Aliza is also passionate about helping individuals recover from eating disorders, and works as an eating disorder dietitian for a PHP eating disorder treatment facility. Similarly to Food Allergies, eating disorders can lead to anxiety and stress around eating as well as limited food variety. She is passionate about helping others repair their relationship with food and their bodies while ensuring they are optimizing their nutritional needs.
✅ Offers both telehealth visits. Learn more.
Raquel Durban, MS, RD, LDN
Charlotte, NC
Raquel Durban specializes in the dietary management of families with food allergies. She is a steering committee member and co-chairs the internship program of the International Network of Dietitians and Nutritionists in Allergy and serves on the Medical Advisory Board of the International Association for Food Protein Enterocolitis. She plays an active role in the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) and the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). She serves on the organizations’ numerous committees, collaborating with other health care professionals and patient advocacy groups to improve the quality of life and advance understanding for families living with the challenges of food allergies. In working with her patients and their families, she will work to find the best balance of meeting nutritional needs with lifestyle demands and ensure collaboration with other members of the care team.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Allison Lachowitz, RD, CSP, LDN, CNSC
Charlotte, NC
Allison Lachowitz , RD, CSP, LDN, CNSC, is a registered dietitian with the Commission on Dietetic Registration and is licensed by the North Carolina Board of Dietetics. An experienced dietitian and specialist in pediatric nutrition, Allison applies evidence-based medical nutrition therapy when counseling and developing care plans. Allison treats pediatric patients newborn up to 18 years of age. Allison offers comprehensive pediatric nutrition services and supports all pediatric nutritional needs.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Martha Green Sabourin MHA, RDN, LDN
Martha is a private practice dietitian specializing in food allergy management and pediatric feeding disorders.
✅ Offers both telehealth for North Carolina and South Carolina Residents. Learn more.
Wan Shen, PhD, RDN, LD
Bowling Green, OH
Wan Shen is a full-time faculty in the Food and Nutrition program at Bowling Green State University. She teaches a variety of nutrition courses including food allergies. Her research interests include dietary fatty acids, diet assessments, and food allergies.
Briza York, RD, CSP, LD, CD
Portland, OR
Briza York has been a Pediatric Dietitian since 2011. She trained at the University of Michigan Mott Children’s Hospital and worked there as a pediatric dietitian for 3 years before moving to Oregon and joining the Doernbecher Pediatric Dietitian team in 2015. She works with both the Pediatric Gastroenterology and Pediatric Allergy Departments seeing patients with celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, malnutrition, and all ranges of food intolerances, sensitivities, and allergies. She enjoys working closely with her patients and families to help them grow and thrive.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Hope Lima, PhD, RDN, IBCLC
Rock Hill, SC
Hope is a Registered Dietitian and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant with a private practice in Rock Hill, SC. Hope provides both lactation and nutrition counseling to families with infant and young child feeding problems, including breastfeeding, formula feeding, and complementary feeding. Hope is also a professor at Winthrop University, where she trains future dietitians and lactation consultants.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*Available for nutrition or lactation services in North Carolina South Carolina via telehealth or in-person.
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN
Ilana Dubrovsky, MS, RDN specializes in pediatric and adult food allergies, sensitivities, and other dietary restrictions. Ilana’s journey to become a food allergy specialist dietitian began with a personal mission: to ensure her children, both with multiple food allergies, could live healthy and socially enriched lives.
Ilana deeply understands the emotional and social implications of allergies and aims to empower her clients to feel more in control of managing their food allergies and improve their quality of life. In addition to nutrition counseling, Ilana also provides 504 Plan support and guidance for parents interested in obtaining a safety plan in their child’s school and/or educational environment.
Ilana accepts insurance through her private practice, Allergy Nutritionist.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Haley Spier
Houston, TX
My name is Haley Spier, owner of Little Sprout Nutrition LLC. I am a registered dietitian with a passion for helping families navigate food allergies. I myself grew up with food allergies, so I know firsthand how difficult it can be. I work with kids and their parents to feel empowered when it comes to avoiding their food allergens and provide tips and tricks for social situations that revolve around food!
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*I am licensed in the state of Texas and will not be able to provide consults to patients who are not located in Texas. I provide telemedicine or in-house visits for patients located in the Houston area. For patients outside the Houston area, I am able to provide telemedicine visits.
Eva Weston, RDN, LD, NBC-HWC
Eva Weston RDN, LD, NBC-HWC, is a registered dietitian nutritionist, licensed dietitian, and national board-certified health and wellness coach. She began working in clinical dietetics in 2008 and has worked in several in-patient acute and sub-acute clinical settings. She currently supports patients and healthcare professionals through her private practice at Weston Nutrition & Wellness.
Eva has a widespread family history of allergic disease, which led her to become a dietitian and to pursue the specialty area of practice in food allergies and intolerances. This direct experience with a myriad of food allergies and intolerances gives her a unique perspective as both a patient and healthcare practitioner. Eva works in direct patient care supporting pediatric to geriatric patient populations. She provides community education via public speaking, school lecture series, and leads a community support group for food allergies and intolerances. Eva also supports the healthcare community to improve its understanding of food allergies and intolerances via peer-reviewed publications, public speaking, and independent contracts as a subject matter expert.
Eva is an integrative healthcare practitioner and trained to become a board-certified health and wellness coach at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, because she believes in treating the whole patient not only managing the diagnosis. Working to support the patient within the family dynamic is an important part of integrative patient-specific food allergy management.
Eva has served in both appointed and elected positions for the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – Los Angeles Division (CAND-LAD) and the International Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (IAAND) and continues to be an active leader in her professional association. Currently, Eva serves as the Kids Eat Right International Spokesperson for IAAND.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Christine Collymore, RD, LD, CSP
San Antonio, TX
Pediatric and metabolic dietitian at Brooke Army Medical Center. Individuals must be Tricare beneficiaries. To contact Christine, email here.
Monica Cicchini
Virtual, VA
Monica is the outpatient pediatric subspecialty dietitian within Kaiser Permanente MAS. Monica works in a very busy GI program in addition to endocrinology and neurology teams. She sees patients from all of these specialties almost exclusively in the outpatient setting, making her a well-rounded pediatric specialist.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
*I work in person at KP-Capital Hill and virtually throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia.
Susan Goodine, RDN, CSP, CLC
Susan Goodine RDN, CSP, CLC is a registered dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition, and Certified Lactation Counselor with close to 20 years of practice in gastroenterology and pediatrics. With an area of expertise in food allergy, she is passionate about helping others navigate their allergies and nourish the body despite food eliminations.
She works with both IgE-mediated and GI related allergy and intolerances, including EoE, celiac disease, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) and breastfeeding infants with food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP).
In addition to obtaining the FARE Certificate of Training in Pediatric Food Allergy, she is a dietitian lead for a hospital-based food allergy clinic and manages a research database for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Mallory Griffiths, MS, RDN, LDN (she/her)
Mallory's medical nutrition therapy interests and expertise include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food allergies and intolerances, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastroparesis, short bowel syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), dysautonomia, celiac disease, nutrition support (tube feedings and parenteral nutrition), and she has recently been diving more deeply into learning about mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mallory also is deeply passionate about weight-inclusive wellness, Health at Every Size (HAES), intuitive eating (IE), inclusive care for all identities, social justice advocacy, and is humbly committed to continued growth and learning. Mallory believes that all bodies are worthy of respect, access to supportive healthcare, and deserve a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.
Offers telehealth. Learn More.
Lian Liu, MPH, RD, CDE
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Gisela Roux, RD, BSC
Owen Sound, Ontario
Gisela is an accredited registered dietitian (RD) and nutritionist in Canada, United Kingdom and South Africa. She has completed a Bachelor of Psychology and a Bachelor of Science at Stellenbosch University.
She has experience in the dietary treatment of Food Allergy, Food Intolerances, Digestive health issues which range from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (low FODMAP diet), SIBO, and different Carbohydrate intolerance.
She believes in eating a diet that contributes to all areas of health, happiness and wellbeing.
Raising a healthy family isn’t just about cooking wholesome, natural recipes. It’s about celebrating the path to wellness through balance, sustainability and joy. Even if you struggle with Food Allergies or Digestive health issues, there is a path to healing, health and joy in your life!
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Msc. Nta. Andrea Valenzuela Lorca
I'm a dietitian from Chile, I'm specialized in Food Allergy in all ages. I can see patients all across my country.
Offers telehealth. Learn more.
Bárbara Castillo Villalobos, RD, MSc
Registered Dietician and Master in Biostatistics. Experienced in treating children with food allergies and other types of adverse reactions to food. Currently, I work as a dietician at Centro del Alérgico and at Clínica de la Universidad de los Andes, Chile. With a professional focus on improving the nutritional health and quality of life of patients. In addition, I teach at different universities where I transmit my experience and specialized knowledge in food allergies for the training of new dieticians.
Offers telehealth and in-person. Learn more.
Montserrat Bello Quiroz
Mexico City, Mexico
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Maria Fernanda Gonzalez Medina MD
Mexico City, Mexico
Pediatric Gastroenterologist and nutritionist board certified graduated from Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México. Postgraduate training from Boston Children's Hospital in pediatric nutrition and Children's Mercy Hospital in Pediatric Feeding disorders. Currently accepting in-person patients in Mexico City and Xalapa city in Veracruz state, and telemedicine for patients abroad.
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
María Olivia Hernández Villarreal, MSPH
Monterrey, Mexico
Olivia is a dietitian (graduated from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)), and also holds a Master’s degree in Public Health. She has been an undergraduate professor in Monterrey, Mexico and has worked in private practice since 2013.
Olivia’s main area of interest is the first thousand days, which refers to a child's life from the moment they are conceived until they have reached 2 years of age. She has a series of online courses in Spanish, dedicated to this stage (targeted to parents), and is the co-host of a health and nutrition podcast in Spanish called “Con Ciencia Healthcast”.
She currently lives in Houston, TX but works mostly with Spanish-speaking patients online.
Offers telehealth. Learn more.
Ana Isabel Quesada Tortoriello
Pediatric gastroenterologist who is in love with her area and nutrition!
✅ Offers both telehealth and in-person visits. Learn more.
Taryn Bortz
Johannesburg, South Africa
Taryn is an integral part of the Allergy Clinic at Rahima Moosa Mother and Child hospital, working closely with a team of allergists, doctors, nurses and a pediatric gastroenterologist to provide comprehensive allergy testing and treatment for infants and children with food allergies. Through participating in the clinic, she has noticed the vital role dietitians play in food allergy management.
Additional areas of interest:
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics
-Weight Management
Offers in-person visits. Learn more.
Ines Padua
Porto, Portugal
- IgE-Mediated Food Allergies
- Food Allergy Prevention
- Non IgE-Mediated Food Allergies (FPIES, FPIAP)
- Food Allergies in Schools (daycare, K12, College)
- Research
- Food Allergy and catering services