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Teen Talk

Monthly virtual hangouts for preteens, teens, and young adults with food allergies.

Teen wearing pink hoodie and teal headphones, sitting on floor, waving to friends on laptop

About Teen Talks

Looking to meet other young people with food allergies? Check out Teen Talks, our monthly program just for pre-teens, teens, and young adults between 11 and 22 years of age. The primary purpose of Teen Talks is simply to connect, share experiences, and have fun! Each month, Teen Talks attract 40-90+ participants from all over the country and beyond. Time is spent both as a large group and in smaller breakout room discussions led by members of the Teen Advisory Group. Smiles and laughter are guaranteed! 

If you have questions about Teen Talks or are interested in Child Chats (ages 8-10), contact Melissa Engel at mengel@foodallergy.org.

“Teen Talks have been such a positive support for my daughter. After the first one she attended she had a HUGE smile on her face and said, “Mom, I’m not the only one who is dealing with this.” These have been such a positive life changing experience for her, and us as a family. We appreciate the connections and support from her peers who truly get what she is going through.” -Parent of a Teen Talk Participant

Sign Up for the July 20, 2024 Teen Talk

About the Facilitator

Melissa Engel against a green background

Melissa Engel is a doctoral candidate in the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Emory University and is currently completing her predoctoral psychology internship at Texas Children's Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine. Her research and clinical interests broadly focus on risk and resilience in youth with chronic medical conditions. Melissa is especially interested in identifying and addressing the unique psychosocial challenges faced by adolescents with food allergies and collaborates on several projects with the Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research at Northwestern University. She has severe food allergies herself and has been involved with the food allergy community for as long as she can remember. Melissa serves as FARE's Lead Programming Developer of Teen Outreach, in which role which she developed and leads the monthly Teen Talk and Child Chat virtual programs. 


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