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Media Room July 23, 2024

Statement from Sung Poblete, PhD, RN, CEO of FARE, Calling for a Boycott of Mars, Inc.

“Hi FARE Family,

Here we are again.

In the past several weeks, we have commented on Bimbo Bakeries and sesame, and supported a food allergy mom in her request to In-N-Out to source sesame-free buns.

Now, we have asked Mars to abandon their “Hungry Skies” ad campaign because it is aimed at encouraging people to bring Snickers onto planes. This campaign is undoing years of advocacy work to make the unique environment of a plane safer for those with a peanut allergy.

We reached out to Mars and their communications team did talk with us. They said they would listen but then offered half measures. I told them that was not enough and that they are creating a tinderbox situation that could harm someone with a peanut allergy.

I asked to meet with the CEO and leadership and we sent a letter, which you can read here. We have seen no response to the letter.

So, I turn to you, to be seen and be heard.

In past efforts we have been successful. Uber, Olive Garden, In-N-Out have listened, learned, and made changes. It's time for us to once again raise our collective voice.

Tell Mars what you think by flooding Snickers’ social media channels with our stories, our concerns—and boycott not only Snickers, but Mars’ other companies as well: M&Ms, KIND, Skittles, and pet food brands, Pedigree, Royal Canin, Whiskas.

Tell Mars that we don’t want to be in a tinderbox situation at 36,000 feet. Let's go, FARE family! Let’s be loud about our disease and have companies understand that we are a powerful consumer group, the most loyal when we know we are safe with you, the loudest when you put us in danger. We are FARE and it’s personal for us!”

—Sung Poblete, PhD, RN

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About FARE

FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) is the nation’s leading non-profit engaged in food allergy advocacy and the largest food allergy charity supporting research. FARE’s innovative education, advocacy and research initiatives transform the future of food allergy through new and improved treatments and prevention strategies, effective policies and legislation, and novel approaches to managing the disease. To learn more, visit: foodallergy.org.

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