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Media Room November 27, 2023

FARE Announces $1.2M Request For Application to Support Collaborative Projects on Tree Nut Allergy Research

November 27, 2023 (McLean, VA) – FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), the nation’s leading non-profit organization engaged in food allergy advocacy, and the largest private funder of food allergy research, is pleased to announce a Request for Application (RFA) in the amount of $1,200,000 for tree nut allergy research. 

As their name suggests, tree nuts grow on trees and do not include peanut, which is a legume (bean) that grows underground. In the U.S., tree nut allergy is the fourth most common food allergy among both children and adults, affecting 3.9 million people. The six tree nut allergies most frequently reported in U.S. residents are walnut, almond, hazelnut, pecan, cashew, and pistachio. About half of children with an allergy to one type of tree nut are allergic to more than one type of tree nut. For example, approximately two-thirds of patients who are allergic to cashew will also react to pistachio, and approximately two-thirds of patients who are allergic to walnut will also react to pecan. Unfortunately, most children who are allergic to one or more tree nuts do not outgrow their tree nut allergy.

"As the leader in the food allergy community, we are committed to driving progress in understanding and managing tree nut allergies,” said Sung Poblete, PhD, RN, CEO of FARE. “This $1.2 million RFA is a testament to our dedication to advancing the field of food allergy research. We invite researchers and scientists to join us in this critical mission to transform the lives of those living with tree nut allergies.” 

The objectives of this funding opportunity are to: explore the pathobiology underlying the development and loss of oral tolerance and the development and reversal of tree nut allergies; translate these findings into new immune-based approaches to prevent and treat tree nut allergy; and explore the molecular and functional characteristics of tree nut food allergens. Close interaction between scientists conducting fundamental research and clinical investigators should promote utilization of patient materials or data in research and accelerate the translation of basic research advances to clinical application.

FARE recognizes that this funding opportunity would not be possible without the generous $1,000,000 contribution of Serena and John Liew, and the contribution of another food allergy family who wishes to remain anonymous. It is through the generosity of the food allergy community that we are able to transform the food allergy landscape. 

The application process and guidelines for this RFA can be found on our website at https://www.foodallergy.org/tree-nut-allergy-funding-opportunity. We encourage all interested researchers and clinicians to review the details and consider contributing to this vital area of study. Mandatory Letters of Intent are due by January 5, 2024, and full applications will be by invitation only.

FARE remains steadfast in its mission to make the world a safer place for those with food allergies. We believe that we can make significant strides toward improving the lives of individuals with tree nut allergies by supporting groundbreaking research. For more information about this RFA and FARE’s initiatives in food allergy research, please visit www.foodallergy.org

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About FARE

FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) is the leading nonprofit organization that empowers the food allergy patient across the journey of managing their disease. FARE delivers innovation by focusing on three strategic pillars—advocacy, research, and education—united by the through line of health equity. FARE’s initiatives accelerate the future of food allergy through effective policies and legislation, novel strategies toward prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, and building awareness and community. For more information, visit FoodAllergy.org.

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