FARE - Food Allergy Research & Education Logo


Living With Food Allergy

Whether you're newly diagnosed or you've been managing food allergy for years, FARE is here to support you. Find resources for children, teens and adults and get connected to others in your community.

33 Million Americans

are living with life-threatening food allergies.

1 in 13 Children

have life-threatening food allergies.

Every 10 Seconds

food allergy sends a patient to the emergency room.

Food Allergy 101

Get the facts on what food allergy is—and what it isn’t—plus how to recognize the symptoms and seek testing from a healthcare professional.

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Mom and son smiling

Newly Diagnosed

When you're newly diagnosed, there is a lot to learn. From setting up an allergy-friendly home to recognizing a reaction, FARE is here to help you understand everything you need to know.

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Little girl talking to doctor

Emergency Preparedness

Planning and preparedness are key to managing food allergy safely during an emergency.

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Emergency -Preparation
Ladies talking

Find a Support Group

Connect with other local families and individuals going through similar experiences managing their food allergies through FARE's support group network.

Resources for Any Age

Learn about safely managing food allergies at every stage of your journey, from infancy through adulthood. Learn how to navigate preschools and childcare settings, K–12 schools, colleges, universities and workplaces. And thrive safely while dining out, socializing, traveling and more.

Kids tugging on a rope

Children with Food Allergies

Find the resources you need to help keep your child safe in daycare, school and beyond.

Teens on phones

Teens with Food Allergies

Being a teen means you're one step closer to adulthood. Find resources for conquering college, dating, traveling and more.

Adults drinking

Adults with Food Allergies

Whether you're still in college or you're out in the workforce, FARE has resources to help you succeed.

Your food allergy story powers research that changes lives.

Join the FARE Patient Registry® - making a difference is easy and confidential.

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Kid holding heart

Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan

Get to know this document, the cornerstone of personalized treatment for anyone with a food allergy.

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