FARE - Food Allergy Research & Education Logo

Component Cheat Sheet

I am a secondary page example. I do not have an image, so you will see the solid background. If you upload an image in the header area (Media->Image) you will see it here. Check out all of your components below.

I am your WYSIWYG Component. Here's what I can do:

Normal Text

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4 

Header 5
Header 6

small paragraph (disclaimers, fine print, citations and such) 

large paragraph (hey, read me!)

bold, italics, underline, strikethrough 

line break (below)



link (external)

link (internal)


Bulleted lists

  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
  • item 4
  • item 5
  • item 6

Numbered lists

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

pull quotes - More than 33 million people in the U.S. have life-threatening food allergies.


More than 33 million people in the U.S. have life-threatening food allergies.
Food allergies are a disease and a disability, not a diet.

More than 33 million people in the U.S. have life-threatening food allergies.
Food allergies are a disease and a disability, not a diet.


inline images (full width, caption or no caption; right or left aligned, caption or no caption; center aligned, caption or no caption)

group of children smiling


group of children smiling
I am a caption on a right-aligned image. Left-aligned image has no caption. 



group of children smiling


group of children smiling
I am a caption on a center-aligned image
I am your Accordion Component (I have an optional background, which is light blue)
young adults blowing bubbles

I am your call to action component

You can choose to have your image on the left or right in this component AND you can have a link (button) or have no link at all.

I am a button

Columns Promo

I am Columns Promo - Two Wide. I also have an optional background, which is currently selected.

Promo 1

I am text in your promo. You can also have an optional image behind me, as seen in promo 2. You can have as many promos as you like.

child eating food

Promo 2

I am text in your promo. You can also have an optional image behind me, as seen here. You can have as many promos as you like.

Optional Link to More Things

Columns Promo (3 column)

I am the same component as above, with the 3 column style. I do have the optional background selected.

Promo 1

I am promo 1, without an image. Keep in mind, you will want to be consistent - for this promo either do all with images or all without - or it will look funky!

passports on world map

Promo 2

I am promo 2, with an image. Keep in mind, you will want to be consistent - for this promo either do all with images or all without - or it will look funky!

Promo 3

I am promo 2, without an image. Keep in mind, you will want to be consistent - for this promo either do all with images or all without - or it will look funky like it does here.

Link to More Things

Fifty/Fifty Promo

50/50 Promo text. For this promo, you can select your image placement (left or right), select your background color (here it's purple). Link (button) is optional. 


I am optional
Placeholder CC with ingredients
Stat Column 1

The Stats Column can be used for stats, text snippets and links or as another way to present text. Links (with each stat) and with this promo (as a button) are options. The background for this component is optional (blue), and is not selected here.

Optional Link
Stat Column 2

The Stats Column can be used for stats, text snippets and links or as another way to present text. This is a stat column without a link.

Stat Column 3

The Stats Column can be used for stats, text snippets and links or as another way to present text. This is a stat column with a link.

Optional Link
Stat Columns (single)

Stat Columns (like link list) is a minimum of one stat, maximum of 3. This is what a single stat column looks like. Links are optional, this version has a link with the stat but no link with the component (containing the stat). The optional background is selected here.

Optional Link

Testimonial (no image) This site is the best. I am not biased at all.

Kayla N.

Wide Promo

This is a wide promo. link for this component IS required. This component doesn't require an image, but you should use one - without, you lose the awesome parallax effect!

Required Link

Testimonial (with Image) This site is the best. I am not biased at all.

Kayla N.,

young adults blowing bubbles

I am a jump link

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Candy danish icing ice cream liquorice cake jelly beans marzipan. Tootsie roll dragée soufflé sweet roll gummi bears muffin sesame snaps macaroon donut. Icing sweet roll candy canes croissant ice cream sugar plum cake gummies. Dessert tootsie roll chocolate chupa chups liquorice apple pie tootsie roll. I love pie bonbon I love cheesecake brownie powder sweet. I love I love cookie macaroon tiramisu sweet jelly beans marshmallow halvah. I love danish liquorice sesame snaps sugar plum. Wafer toffee bonbon lemon drops tootsie roll candy canes candy canes caramels chocolate cake. Fruitcake croissant dragée chocolate cake. Icing chocolate bar I love gingerbread fruitcake. Lollipop chocolate powder liquorice pastry cheesecake chocolate cake pie.

Cupcake I love cake. Caramels sugar plum liquorice cheesecake. Croissant liquorice I love caramels I love. Tart marzipan tiramisu ice cream caramels powder. Marshmallow bear claw cookie macaroon halvah marshmallow oat cake gummies. Cake cake cookie cheesecake gummi bears I love icing. I love dessert icing powder powder lollipop chocolate tart. Liquorice powder fruitcake tiramisu I love ice cream lemon drops I love chocolate bar. Powder lemon drops dragée jelly beans powder cake macaroon oat cake sesame snaps. Caramels bear claw I love danish brownie cotton candy halvah. Jelly marshmallow chocolate tiramisu lemon drops caramels I love candy dragée. Caramels sugar plum tootsie roll dessert I love gummi bears chocolate cake. Tart apple pie wafer jelly wafer. I love chupa chups carrot cake.

Toffee jelly beans muffin I love halvah. Jelly brownie chocolate bar I love. Sesame snaps toffee sweet roll caramels. Ice cream topping I love croissant chocolate bar. Candy biscuit candy tiramisu. Biscuit chocolate bar I love croissant lollipop I love. Sweet roll sweet roll muffin. Candy canes oat cake lemon drops pastry. Pie sesame snaps sugar plum. Oat cake fruitcake gummi bears pie dragée. Topping liquorice gingerbread danish cake I love halvah. Tart cake gingerbread lollipop apple pie jelly I love jelly-o. Soufflé bear claw I love I love.

Ice cream cotton candy donut pie. Cake jelly beans cupcake biscuit. Cake cake muffin cheesecake cookie soufflé cupcake candy I love. Muffin cake donut croissant. Chocolate marshmallow candy muffin sesame snaps lollipop caramels pastry. Muffin ice cream tart sesame snaps dragée dessert dessert cake liquorice. Icing candy gummies cupcake I love chupa chups ice cream I love. Pastry biscuit jelly beans sweet roll. Liquorice powder halvah chocolate cake. Apple pie pastry brownie danish I love. Tootsie roll cake cheesecake toffee jelly-o donut chocolate jelly carrot cake. Soufflé tart sweet roll sweet caramels tiramisu chocolate cake. Dessert gummi bears cupcake pie brownie. Sweet I love ice cream.

Sweet roll apple pie jelly-o tootsie roll biscuit pie I love. Croissant marshmallow dragée I love wafer donut ice cream marzipan chocolate cake. Oat cake sweet roll sugar plum carrot cake muffin sweet. Cupcake gummies croissant danish I love chocolate cake croissant candy pie. Jelly beans gummi bears brownie I love cake fruitcake cheesecake. Gummies dragée caramels cupcake tootsie roll I love cake chocolate bar jelly. Dragée biscuit I love brownie chocolate cake halvah cake. Marzipan bear claw soufflé lemon drops. Gingerbread jelly-o halvah toffee macaroon sweet roll cake soufflé gummies. Icing toffee dessert. Wafer cheesecake wafer apple pie cake muffin. I love cupcake pastry.


Target 1

You jumped to me! Sweet gingerbread dessert chocolate gummies candy ice cream brownie cheesecake. Croissant macaroon candy canes cupcake soufflé sweet danish sweet roll ice cream. Donut ice cream brownie oat cake jelly beans danish sweet. Sesame snaps macaroon dragée tiramisu jelly-o powder cake jelly. Liquorice fruitcake sesame snaps fruitcake fruitcake caramels biscuit chocolate cake halvah. Tootsie roll candy candy canes wafer. Cake topping chocolate cake liquorice gummies liquorice.

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