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Alison Woody

Associate Director of Grant Writing

Alison Woody is FARE’s Associate Director of Grant Writing where she leads proposal development for foundation, corporate and government entities. A skilled grant writer, Alison has over 13 years of experience leading complex applications for agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Health Resources & Services Administration, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Prior to joining FARE, Alison raised funds for population health and equity, technology innovations, pediatrics, education, and clinical services at Geisinger Health Systems, and also served as the Director of Grants and Communications at a social service agency. A graduate of Wilkes University with a bachelor’s degree in business and journalism, Alison also holds a master’s degree in Organizational Management from Misericordia University. Alison is on the board of directors of the Association of Fundraising Professionals local chapter, and serves on several other volunteer committees in Scranton, PA, where she resides full-time. 

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